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Old 04-30-2010, 09:39 AM   #31
Scooby Specialist
Member#: 65054
Join Date: Jun 2004
Chapter/Region: MAIC
Location: Frederick, MD
2005 STI (CGM)
Descooped / Dewinged


You know I'll be there

If a lot of people end up showing up - IMHO the beer would probably be a bad idea. JMHO though! Lots of cars with exhausts and lots of people standing in the parking lot will bring out the local police (which I have absolutely no problem with - so long as they are only making sure that we aren't a bunch of hoodlums). With open containers (obviously against the law), the little get together would be over really quick.

... that said, if we only have the 4-people turnout that we did before, then drink away ... so long as you don't plan on driving after drinking a few.

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