- Welcome, SVX Owners
- A question 4 Charles K. in Illinois
- How many Yahoo club refugees do we have here?
- Love this!!
- NW Subaru Meet
- Twin Turbo Rises again!! (SVX Island Found!!)
- Front Sway Bars
- SVX in media...
- any one in the IL WI IN MN or any area
- Love the SVX, have th XT6
- PCV Valve Replacement
- How can we get more people
- How to post pics / Test bed to learn
- Had some trouble but I fixed it!!
- Registration Info
- Trunk monkey anyone
- Front Lense/Light resoration
- Just Posted some pics ... Comments...
- Members Area
- Welcome Steve!
- Why me??? I feel like givin up sometimes
- Ouch!!
- Front main seal, timing belts -oil pump&water pump?
- Nice long cruise......
- Pictures and sites:
- SVX aftermarket in seattle area
- ECM - noise suppressor diagram
- Looking at a new SVX
- Sunroof troubles
- Factory Stereo Stuff...
- New commercial for the SVX
- Impreza-RS board vs. eGroups
- Brake Problems. Help!!!
- Wanna Be a "Scooby Specialist"?
- Air Intake Resonator Removal
- My apologies...
- August Meet
- Fuel additives
- Japanese WebSites for SVX's
- Does your SVX do this?
- What a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!
- SVX Item Swapping!
- ARIZONA Subie Meet
- Stainless Steel Brakelines
- Door lock stuck
- Not my day.
- Todays accomplishments
- ECU crush mod
- 1995 SVX L - What do you think?
- Headlight Covers
- Top Speed?
- webshots.com
- $638.85 worth of excitement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Repo---!
- Two tone SVX
- 26 Aug-Gettysburg PA
- Pic updates
- Tranny Cooler w/ electric fan Pic's
- Vermont Meet
- Rattle in Exaust- nubbsjr???
- Stereo Housing Removal
- double green SVX owner
- What was the drag coefficient (.cd) of the SVX? Can I see some engine pics?
- FWD --> AWD swap?
- SVX for sale in my area
- For Sale
- SVX Items
- O-ring replacement directions
- Spark Plug Replacement Procedure
- Brake System Self Diagnosis
- Brake Pad Replacement - How To
- Check Engine Diagnosis
- Transmission Code Self Diagnosis
- ECU noise suppressor crush procedure
- WTB SVX Factory CDPlayer/Alram
- Bucking
- Possible new SVX in the works?
- just to let ya'll jnow
- Parts interchangeability
- Reading, PA SVX meet?
- Cats Out of the Bag !
- Brake Pad Replacement - How To
- Speaker Replacement -- How To
- Turn signal relay switch location???
- External transmission filter
- Peeling paint!
- Xt6
- Unorthodox Underdrive Pulley / Belt kits for SVX
- New SVX in 2003?
- I got to dance with a Lotus!!
- SVX Transmission only Auto?
- New SVX member
- Mistaken identity
- Another new SVX member
- Front Brake Pad Replacement
- This isn't looking good
- More posts
- oil questions
- Finding "Check Engine" light codes
- 'Hazy Or Frosted' headlight solutions
- Brake fluid ???
- Painting Center Caps
- Impreza 25RS Coupe owner hoping 2003 SVX is true.
- Amsoil Filter question
- Security system
- SVX Service
- Yellow SVX
- Good/Bad Dealerships
- Rotary engine and an SVX
- Power door locks gremlin
- anyone drain / change coolant?
- Titanium SVX
- Bulb replacement
- Turn the SVX int a Skyline GT-R
- Nissan vs Subaru Parts
- More predictions re: 2003 SVX
- 4ws...?
- Impreza/SVX parts interchange thread
- If you don't read stuff from "General" forum..check this out.
- WRX- will it increase awareness of the SVX?
- SVX...Blizzard
- Power Steering
- idle problem - with A/C on
- SVX scale model
- Climate Control
- Strange...
- How to beat a WRX.
- Colors And Color Codes
- SVX Public Service Announcement
- Anyone want to Trade?
- Translation of Japanese SVX sites!!!
- SVX CD-Rom
- aftermarket parts (rotors / brakes)
- Resistor mod?
- wheel offset???
- tire sizes
- www.*******page.com
- New Project Car
- Intake Question
- Airbox mod?
- Taillight / taillamp mod
- Torque split
- Pictures
- Resistor mod experiments...
- MAF/ MAS cleaning
- New SVX Chin Spoiler
- Blue is the best color for the SVX.
- Intake for the SVX
- Pesky Speed Limiter.
- Exhaust note...
- Field Test Of AVS Decibels On Ice/Slush
- TPS adjustment for 2-3 shift
- WRX at 227 Stock?
- Going out in the SVX...
- taking the turbo plunge
- Japanese Badge Number
- Level 10 Transmission Superior Durability?
- Welcome Blonde Man! (Eric)
- Great fixer-upper on e-bay
- Headers for the EG33
- Turbo pics are here
- Best tires for the SVX
- exhaust
- Altezza & SVX
- might sell MY92 SVX turbo
- CV Boots?
- AWD and 4WS and SVX
- 1/4 mile times
- Manual transmission available?
- Koni's for SVX .......too stiff?????
- new exhaust pics (muffler only)
- Thanks for keeping this forum alive!
- stuff please read
- going to the track tonight
- Ground Control Springs
- Cross drilled Rotors
- 92 Pearl / Black SVX for sale in NY- $5700 obo..
- still thinking about selling SVX-T
- MY92 SVX down, but not out
- my car whines
- upgrading the turbo
- Tire pressure
- SVX-T in the shop to get fixed
- Changed rear brake pads...
- minor ramblings aka The Quest for Subaru Fun
- news from the shop
- car show ramblings aka Carbon Fiber HOODS!!
- SVX plans
- SVX lighting...
- SVX Crash Photoos
- SVX is rare but recognized
- still at the shop
- Fix for random body squeeking- check the sunroof!
- CARBON FIBER HOODS. coming soon to a SVX near you!
- You wanted it! c/f hood w/ scoop
- SVX Stereo
- SVX-T new times coming soon.
- SVX-T is now considered fast
- more SVX-T problems
- bad news for me and the SVX
- project SVX-T could still be alive
- SVX is alive
- Picked up another car, trying to keep the SVX!
- Duty Solenoid C......Expreiment?
- Project::Phoenix
- Headrests
- spark plugs
- Want to manually shift your SVX?
- ABS Codes & Self Diagnostic
- Cobb Tuned SVX
- SUBARU-SVX.NET Creations
- SVX-T is back
- fuel filter
- rear spoiler
- SVX part #'s
- New svx forum
- still trying to get it working
- Manual transmission swap into an SVX?
- stage II pics
- MY SVX stops on a dime
- tire szie for SVX
- yahoo SVX club & my SVX-T
- OEM radio/cd player wiring
- My dad had an SVX!
- All automatic?
- SVX on it's way to be --T
- How much are the motors
- SVX-3
- Turbo SVX is coming soon
- Been busy with the VW...but still here
- I wish my SVX was a manual
- San Diego SVX sighting
- Fan Redundancy
- 4 Days to Grand Opening
- Oem spoiler
- KevinL--> How's the SVX-T coming along?
- SVX problem.
- Tonite Z Nite
- rear wheel drive
- rotors
- blown
- WHo's white SVX is that? In Kingston Ont
- fastest svx in 1/4 mile
- SVX???? Do I want one