- SCCA SoloII Race @ 3COM Park, March 5
- Northern CA I-club vs. Southern CA I-club event planning need some help....
- Who is plannign on going ot the North vs. South meet.....
- BAM Saturday, 26th of February
- I need FOR SUREs here, for the SEMA in Pomona
- March SEMA? Talkabouts? Unadressed issues
- Auto-X this Sunday at 3-Com park
- rs wheels
- Track events
- Old BAM'ers
- ATTN: STi Sev (Fog lights)
- Any BA guys think they can figure the particulars of my turbo?
- Tahoe Trip
- Auto-x this Sunday-Sacramento area
- UNNOFICIAL BAM #1003.4 (This sunday)
- Installfest this saturday? Please? :)
- Black sedan sighted!!!
- Blue coupe sighted!!!
- I forgot to buy a helmet for auto-x!
- Lan Party: BAM Beatdown
- Clutch shudder and local dealerships
- Change of Plans? BAM Beatdown
- BAM Beatdown #1-->Details
- Notice For People Going to North vs Sound Meeting
- oakland Auto-X
- North vs South
- Times from Sunday's 3COM Auto-X
- BAM Beatdown Please Move Time
- Final Post: Auto-X This Saturday
- Rear MY00 diff for local sale
- Northern CA vs. Southern CA tentative event plans.....
- Trophy class ideas for the N vs. S meet...
- Take this post seriously: North vs South
- Hey Randy, put up the auto-x movie in mpeg format!
- HKS Turbo and Bozz
- Sube owners meet/sube rep
- I need final confirmation for the N vs. S meet for rooms...
- Tshirts
- SFsube is ****** awesome
- Bay Area Special: 18mm Bar for Sale
- Info on Speedzone after SEMA....
- Details on Speedzone for after SEMA show...
- Hotel Location and Phone # for your reference
- Auto-x @ 3 Com on Saturday 3/25
- Geez
- Subaru junk yard
- What did you pay?
- Final head count for hotel. Is this everyone??????
- Yo Sev!
- Novato, CA (no sube content)
- Updated: BAY AREA HEAD COUNT::::*
- Attn: Sev and northern CA members coming to the meet...
- Last chance for rooms for the North vs. South meet.....
- North vs. South meet sponsors....
- The Battle for California: North vs. South event plans....
- We need to figure out where to meet for the caravan...
- autox at 3com 3/25
- ATTN: delectron.. Dooooooooooooooooh
- Motorweek reviews 22b
- DOes anyone local stock Blitz universal filters?
- When is the next install fest? (or BAM)
- Final BAMer Headcount for N vs. S meeting
- attn.: Sev
- attn: josh
- IMPORTANT if you are staying in the hotel!!!
- NvsS Caravan Meeting Place
- Directions to the hotel
- hey sev re: 280S
- Where to purchase an Impreza
- ATTN: SOCALISCOOBY : Important!!
- Alright Guys: N vs South Caravan Info- Please Post
- N vs. S event and TEC-II crank pulleys
- Tweeters
- Unfortunate news......
- Now that was a great weekend!!
- Who has my silver mini-Maglight???
- BAM Beatdown: Now with foosball...
- ACT Clutch BAM Group Buy
- Really good place to test out your 2.5RS!
- Anyone going to Hot Import Nights?
- Crappy Dealer in Bay Area
- Cruising at a whole 10mph! Yay!
- Help Needed. Sony MO Mac disk?
- Trinity drives an RS!?!?
- RS on Motorweek
- I'm new here...
- How was Hot Import Nights
- Ordering a new RS
- BAM Beatdown
- Insurance
- Final Info On BAM BeatDown (Do not post please)
- Final Listing of BAM Beatdown Members
- ATTN: delectron
- Install fest
- Special Thanks to Randdddy
- Problem [Located] RalliSpec ATTN: Shiv
- Randy beat you Alex ;p
- Installed fest =)
- Need advice for good wheel repair in Bay Area. Randy???
- SMACKDOWN at Buttonwillow
- BAM update: directions, reality, etc.
- Let's all head back to Tahoe!!!
- someone is selling gold rims
- WHO was that doing warp 9 on 101???
- 2000 blue RS spotted in pleasanton...
- Bring $20.00 to the BAM Beatdown!! (read all)
- Opinions/experience w/ Diablo Subaru service center in Walnut Creek?
- Diablo Subaru- new car Attn: Bri99rs
- Stage rally
- Messed up Forum?
- Update from Beatdown Central
- Nice to meet y'all today...
- Rally Blue RS spotted @ Lake Merced area 4/23/99
- TEIN's
- Dealer search
- Buying a Honda... (putting on shin guards)
- ATTN: Randy A.
- Speeding ticket...
- Who else is going to Thunderhill this weekend?
- where is a good bodyshop to get sideskirts painted?
- Custom # Plates still out there :cool:
- 30th Annual Lone Pine Time Trials! May 20&21
- rims wanted
- Buttonwillow, who's going
- May 20 Autocross @3com -- who's going, etc?
- 99 Impreza RS for sale-Northern CA
- Attn: Necromancer (Joe Luk) and Joel Gat concerning rear brake swap
- Can anybody help with spring replacement this weekend?
- RS sighting, Blue, Santa Rosa
- For all people who are going to 3com on May20
- Tee Hee. Lifted the car 1" above stock!
- Where to buy G-Tech/Pro
- New shop in bayarea
- Kartboy
- Rim of the World
- Should have a BBQ
- im now the proud owner.....
- i'm comming up does any one need shifters or bushings??
- Bolts for pillow mounts Attn JOSH
- Randypaloooza: Post them installfest details plse!
- update for BBQ
- Install fest / Beer Brewing
- atttn: Ravent
- Street School at Thunderhill
- impreza with like 15 stickers?!?
- Hollister Off Roading!
- Boy Scouts and Racing...please read!
- Update: May 20 Auto-X
- Question for Joel
- Bay Area tuners
- Underdrive pulley install...
- bay area photo album
- Yeaaaa!!!
- autocross experience
- attn: one of the 2000 imprezas yesterday at auto-x
- Santa Cruz install fest
- Testing at the AutoX
- REad this everyone.. autox
- Bluesaint?
- Any body got an oil pan?
- Dammit!
- AutoX in Sacto and river ride
- Group Event at Thunderhill Street School?
- Auto-X in Oakland on Sat?
- mmm bbq.. (sev wakes up ) errr
- Help - where to get oil pressure fittings
- Thinking about selling my ACT clutch kit..
- Attn: Sev
- RallyX?
- anyone know who does cutom exhast in Bayarea?
- BBQ June 4th
- attn: bluefu.. bluesaint
- BRP 2000 RS Sedan at Century 25....
- BBQ Head Count
- Congratulations Angus/Katiesoft
- Sears Point this weekend.
- gotta find an afc
- Setting 4 home pages in katiesoft
- yo Neil!
- Beware: 280 Airplanes
- Saw you on Lawrence Expressway
- Another Impreza siting-101 South
- Blue RS in Lafayette
- ATTN: Ravent
- BBQ Sunday.-Slide
- Local gearhead please help...
- BBQ Reply
- RS Spotted at IKEA on Saturday, June 3rd.
- Thanks Slide!!
- So who's going to Buttonwillow on June 10th?
- RS spotting
- For all the guys checking out my tires at slide's
- daytime running light
- BBQ pics
- rrsettgast: nice to meet you at Sears
- Carbon Fibre Skid plate
- Idea for this board
- A Few Questions
- Hey randy
- Buttonwillow
- The Un-knowing
- Where to buy carbon fiber and water bottles?
- where to buy wheels
- carlsen subaru
- Mobile Audio dealers??
- Happy Birthday BruceLee
- Intake and fuel pump...
- Buttonwillow
- NE1 want a Whitline Anti-Lift Kit?
- Hey alex
- Attn: Slide, install-fest?
- Hey neil or anyone else bored
- south san francisco impreza
- Have anyone heard from Sev lately?
- Can I see some of your Imprezas for ideas on my car?
- Driving Events
- Getting a shop manual from Japan..
- Mt View RS
- Subaru Track Day @ Thunderhill
- Sorry I wasn't there.
- Girl in an RS
- MY00 blue with Turbo in Newpark
- This weather sucks!!!!
- Slide, pool, and drinks.....
- help needed
- Bay Area Rally Team
- Subaru Tuner in the Bay Area?
- AutoX in Sacto this weekend
- Auto-X at Marina Airfield
- Alignment/install fest
- TRACK DAY UPDATE: Please check out.
- Brisbane RS?
- Track day is on. Details here.
- Thermal wrap...
- Blue RS Coupe @ Lafayette St. today
- Track Day Web page info
- 1st Track day Sponsor: Primitive Racing
- More random Impreza Sightings
- Yet another impreza sighting
- attn: randy, daniel and possibly saw jai
- I crashed my sube just now..
- danger at stevenson
- Before and After pix of the crash
- Rally Blue RS driving East on 580?
- hey neil and homer jay