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View Full Version : Bay Area Impreza Club Forum -- BAIC

  1. SCCA SoloII Race @ 3COM Park, March 5
  2. Northern CA I-club vs. Southern CA I-club event planning need some help....
  3. Who is plannign on going ot the North vs. South meet.....
  4. BAM Saturday, 26th of February
  5. I need FOR SUREs here, for the SEMA in Pomona
  6. March SEMA? Talkabouts? Unadressed issues
  7. Auto-X this Sunday at 3-Com park
  8. rs wheels
  9. Track events
  10. Old BAM'ers
  11. ATTN: STi Sev (Fog lights)
  12. Any BA guys think they can figure the particulars of my turbo?
  13. Tahoe Trip
  14. Auto-x this Sunday-Sacramento area
  15. UNNOFICIAL BAM #1003.4 (This sunday)
  16. Installfest this saturday? Please? :)
  17. Black sedan sighted!!!
  18. Blue coupe sighted!!!
  19. I forgot to buy a helmet for auto-x!
  20. Lan Party: BAM Beatdown
  21. Clutch shudder and local dealerships
  22. Change of Plans? BAM Beatdown
  23. BAM Beatdown #1-->Details
  24. Notice For People Going to North vs Sound Meeting
  25. oakland Auto-X
  26. North vs South
  27. Times from Sunday's 3COM Auto-X
  28. BAM Beatdown Please Move Time
  29. Final Post: Auto-X This Saturday
  30. Rear MY00 diff for local sale
  31. Northern CA vs. Southern CA tentative event plans.....
  32. Trophy class ideas for the N vs. S meet...
  33. Take this post seriously: North vs South
  34. Hey Randy, put up the auto-x movie in mpeg format!
  35. HKS Turbo and Bozz
  36. Sube owners meet/sube rep
  37. I need final confirmation for the N vs. S meet for rooms...
  39. Tshirts
  40. SFsube is ****** awesome
  41. Bay Area Special: 18mm Bar for Sale
  42. BAM
  43. Info on Speedzone after SEMA....
  44. Details on Speedzone for after SEMA show...
  45. Hotel Location and Phone # for your reference
  46. Auto-x @ 3 Com on Saturday 3/25
  47. Geez
  48. Subaru junk yard
  49. What did you pay?
  50. Final head count for hotel. Is this everyone??????
  51. Yo Sev!
  52. Novato, CA (no sube content)
  53. Updated: BAY AREA HEAD COUNT::::*
  54. Attn: Sev and northern CA members coming to the meet...
  56. Last chance for rooms for the North vs. South meet.....
  57. North vs. South meet sponsors....
  58. The Battle for California: North vs. South event plans....
  59. We need to figure out where to meet for the caravan...
  60. autox at 3com 3/25
  61. ATTN: delectron.. Dooooooooooooooooh
  62. Motorweek reviews 22b
  63. DOes anyone local stock Blitz universal filters?
  65. When is the next install fest? (or BAM)
  66. Final BAMer Headcount for N vs. S meeting
  67. attn.: Sev
  68. attn: josh
  69. IMPORTANT if you are staying in the hotel!!!
  70. NvsS Caravan Meeting Place
  71. Directions to the hotel
  72. hey sev re: 280S
  73. Where to purchase an Impreza
  74. WRX MOTOR IN HAND~!!!!
  75. ATTN: SOCALISCOOBY : Important!!
  76. Alright Guys: N vs South Caravan Info- Please Post
  77. N vs. S event and TEC-II crank pulleys
  78. Tweeters
  79. Unfortunate news......
  80. Now that was a great weekend!!
  81. Who has my silver mini-Maglight???
  82. BAM Beatdown: Now with foosball...
  83. ACT Clutch BAM Group Buy
  84. Really good place to test out your 2.5RS!
  85. Anyone going to Hot Import Nights?
  86. Crappy Dealer in Bay Area
  87. Cruising at a whole 10mph! Yay!
  88. Help Needed. Sony MO Mac disk?
  89. Trinity drives an RS!?!?
  90. RS on Motorweek
  91. I'm new here...
  92. How was Hot Import Nights
  93. Ordering a new RS
  94. BAM Beatdown
  95. Insurance
  96. Final Info On BAM BeatDown (Do not post please)
  97. Final Listing of BAM Beatdown Members
  98. ATTN: delectron
  99. Install fest
  100. Special Thanks to Randdddy
  101. Problem [Located] RalliSpec ATTN: Shiv
  102. Randy beat you Alex ;p
  103. Installed fest =)
  104. Need advice for good wheel repair in Bay Area. Randy???
  105. SMACKDOWN at Buttonwillow
  106. BAM update: directions, reality, etc.
  107. Let's all head back to Tahoe!!!
  108. someone is selling gold rims
  109. WHO was that doing warp 9 on 101???
  110. 2000 blue RS spotted in pleasanton...
  111. Bring $20.00 to the BAM Beatdown!! (read all)
  112. Opinions/experience w/ Diablo Subaru service center in Walnut Creek?
  113. Diablo Subaru- new car Attn: Bri99rs
  114. Stage rally
  115. Messed up Forum?
  116. Update from Beatdown Central
  117. Nice to meet y'all today...
  118. Rally Blue RS spotted @ Lake Merced area 4/23/99
  119. TEIN's
  120. Dealer search
  121. Buying a Honda... (putting on shin guards)
  122. ATTN: Randy A.
  123. Speeding ticket...
  124. Who else is going to Thunderhill this weekend?
  125. where is a good bodyshop to get sideskirts painted?
  126. Custom # Plates still out there :cool:
  127. 30th Annual Lone Pine Time Trials! May 20&21
  128. rims wanted
  129. Buttonwillow, who's going
  130. May 20 Autocross @3com -- who's going, etc?
  131. 99 Impreza RS for sale-Northern CA
  132. Attn: Necromancer (Joe Luk) and Joel Gat concerning rear brake swap
  133. Can anybody help with spring replacement this weekend?
  134. RS sighting, Blue, Santa Rosa
  135. For all people who are going to 3com on May20
  136. Tee Hee. Lifted the car 1" above stock!
  137. Where to buy G-Tech/Pro
  138. New shop in bayarea
  139. Kartboy
  140. Rim of the World
  141. Should have a BBQ
  142. im now the proud owner.....
  143. i'm comming up does any one need shifters or bushings??
  144. Bolts for pillow mounts Attn JOSH
  145. Randypaloooza: Post them installfest details plse!
  146. update for BBQ
  147. Install fest / Beer Brewing
  148. atttn: Ravent
  149. Street School at Thunderhill
  150. impreza with like 15 stickers?!?
  151. Hollister Off Roading!
  152. Boy Scouts and Racing...please read!
  153. Update: May 20 Auto-X
  154. Question for Joel
  155. Bay Area tuners
  156. Underdrive pulley install...
  157. bay area photo album
  158. Yeaaaa!!!
  159. autocross experience
  160. attn: one of the 2000 imprezas yesterday at auto-x
  161. Santa Cruz install fest
  162. Testing at the AutoX
  163. REad this everyone.. autox
  164. Bluesaint?
  165. Any body got an oil pan?
  166. Dammit!
  167. AutoX in Sacto and river ride
  168. Group Event at Thunderhill Street School?
  169. Auto-X in Oakland on Sat?
  170. mmm bbq.. (sev wakes up ) errr
  171. Help - where to get oil pressure fittings
  172. Thinking about selling my ACT clutch kit..
  173. Attn: Sev
  174. RallyX?
  175. anyone know who does cutom exhast in Bayarea?
  176. BBQ June 4th
  177. attn: bluefu.. bluesaint
  178. BRP 2000 RS Sedan at Century 25....
  179. BBQ Head Count
  180. Congratulations Angus/Katiesoft
  181. Sears Point this weekend.
  182. gotta find an afc
  183. Setting 4 home pages in katiesoft
  184. yo Neil!
  185. Beware: 280 Airplanes
  186. Saw you on Lawrence Expressway
  187. Another Impreza siting-101 South
  188. Blue RS in Lafayette
  189. ATTN: Ravent
  190. BBQ Sunday.-Slide
  191. Local gearhead please help...
  192. BBQ Reply
  193. RS Spotted at IKEA on Saturday, June 3rd.
  194. Thanks Slide!!
  195. So who's going to Buttonwillow on June 10th?
  196. RS spotting
  197. For all the guys checking out my tires at slide's
  198. daytime running light
  199. BBQ pics
  200. rrsettgast: nice to meet you at Sears
  201. Carbon Fibre Skid plate
  202. Idea for this board
  203. A Few Questions
  204. Hey randy
  205. Buttonwillow
  206. The Un-knowing
  207. Where to buy carbon fiber and water bottles?
  208. where to buy wheels
  209. carlsen subaru
  210. Mobile Audio dealers??
  211. Happy Birthday BruceLee
  212. Intake and fuel pump...
  213. Buttonwillow
  214. NE1 want a Whitline Anti-Lift Kit?
  215. Hey alex
  216. Attn: Slide, install-fest?
  217. Hey neil or anyone else bored
  218. south san francisco impreza
  219. Have anyone heard from Sev lately?
  220. Can I see some of your Imprezas for ideas on my car?
  221. Driving Events
  222. Getting a shop manual from Japan..
  223. Mt View RS
  224. Subaru Track Day @ Thunderhill
  225. Sorry I wasn't there.
  226. Girl in an RS
  227. MY00 blue with Turbo in Newpark
  228. This weather sucks!!!!
  229. Slide, pool, and drinks.....
  230. help needed
  231. Bay Area Rally Team
  232. Subaru Tuner in the Bay Area?
  233. AutoX in Sacto this weekend
  234. Auto-X at Marina Airfield
  235. Alignment/install fest
  236. TRACK DAY UPDATE: Please check out.
  237. Brisbane RS?
  238. Track day is on. Details here.
  239. Thermal wrap...
  240. Blue RS Coupe @ Lafayette St. today
  241. Track Day Web page info
  242. 1st Track day Sponsor: Primitive Racing
  243. More random Impreza Sightings
  244. Yet another impreza sighting
  245. attn: randy, daniel and possibly saw jai
  246. I crashed my sube just now..
  247. danger at stevenson
  248. Before and After pix of the crash
  249. Rally Blue RS driving East on 580?
  250. hey neil and homer jay