View Full Version : AccessPort
- How exactly do you "unmarry" an accessport.
- My F$#%ing Accessport Doesnt WORK!
- AP stg 2 with a BOV
- Ap Error, Ecu Fried Please Help
- stage 2 06
- Accessport Reset????? Help please!
- reading live boost with AP
- Cobb Access Port Automatic tranny 1.20 vs 1.30?
- 04 WRX Cobb stg 2 datalog ?'s
- PDX Tuning Protune OTS maps vs. Cobb Stage 2 93 Octane!
- accesport has no power
- Question about Cobb Pro-Tune - installing Helix Catted D/P this Saturday.
- Cobb Accessport Stage 1 on XT Auto
- Protune
- PDX Tuning Question?
- Which AP map to use on my trip tomorrow
- AP Map Manager problem
- How much boost with cobb ap stg2 sti?
- Cobb AP
- My accessport wont read on my PC?
- Worth putting header back on for protune?
- any cobb 2.5 guys get a pdx custom OTS map yet?
- STI TMIC ok with COBB stg. 2.5?
- Will _______ work with my Cobb Stage X?
- IDC's with Cobb Stage 2.5, VF34 and STi pinks
- Just got a Cobb AP
- Cobb Stage 2 Whats the differences?
- AP question about revert to stock?
- Cobb accessport 04 vs 05
- AccessPort: Real Time Mode
- Cobb Ap Question
- Anyone willing to try a ST map?
- Cobb AP issues....
- Will Cobb tuning help with TBE?
- Cobb Ap Question for 06 WRX
- Broken AP Link Cable Need Help
- Cobb 1
- Question for those using the COBB AP Stage 2
- Accessport/Boost help!
- COBB= Confusion!~!
- About COBB and AccessPort
- cobb '06 wrx , was there a low-boost issue related to one of the maps?
- AP - Car won't go into test mode! Help please.
- Access Port ECU Programmer 06 STI
- AP w/ forged internals, anyone having problems?
- Cobb AP problem
- 04 & 05 AP Questions
- Accessport compatibility.
- AP question
- AP Help! Low Voltage message?
- cobb ap and reading boost
- Removing ST from an AP
- Bigger TMIC w.out Tune?
- New AP user. I have a few questions...
- Advice on Strange Sounds on a '02 WRX with Cobb AP
- Loading Maps to AP
- Cobb Accessport
- Possible stupid Question. AP and BC?
- Which maps are safer to run between PDX and Cobb maps?
- Accessport took a dump... long
- COBB Stage 2 Question
- Ap Vs PDX maps
- AccessPort question
- Is the AP WRX or STI specific?
- 04' WRX Accessport Stock Map ?
- Options for data logging with AccessPort and LC-1 wideband
- Is the Cobb AP Stage 1 safer than stock?
- Accessport weird problem..!!
- Ap Installed
- am i gonna feel the difference after instaling coob accessport
- Newb accessport questions...
- Best place to buy Cobb AP?
- AP stage 2 suggestions
- Access Port - of the the surgical proceedure type.
- Please help me ID something in this pic (AP)
- STX map and OL/CL
- New AccessPORT, no cd, no map list???
- stupid question
- aP question
- Injen Map
- Is AP the best plug and play reflash for the wrx?
- PDX- cost for tunes for AP?
- disconnect batter with cobb ap..?
- ap stg 2
- Cobb accessport
- protune time?
- New to stage.. 2 What I'm hearing is detonations??
- Boost
- Who has had a custom tune with a vf30 and how big of difference did it make?
- Connection
- AP for my future setup?
- AP setup, just 1 question!
- the n00b questions will keep coming!
- Driving with VF39 on Cobb stage 2.5 map without JDM pinks...
- Cobb Tuning ???
- Protune map only boosting 15 psi
- Just Got my AP overnighted!
- 'Anti-Theft' map took HALF the boost away?!
- Where to go for a protune?
- STi tuning EXPERTS... I need your opinion (PDX tune)
- Cobb AP
- will my cheack engine light come on?
- Headers w/ Cobb VF34 93Oct. ots map?
- Cobb rev#
- turboback or catback w/ dp
- AP finally got here!
- ECUExplorer data logging question
- Vacumm for Cobb stg II
- BASE MAP: Valet Mode Questions
- cobb ap: question about injen cai map?
- Stu Gt100
- Errors
- Just loaded stg. 1 with some other mods
- Problems with a Protune
- AccessPort Map Choice
- how to load a realtime map?
- Still not clear which map is controlling...
- AP Stage 2.5: Bucking after lift at mid-RPMs
- most boost that can be run on deadbolt TD04.
- pro-tune the accessecu
- Discuss: Walbro 255L per hour fuel pump.
- Where to get Protune in Florida?
- 100+ octane with AP
- Can an AP read the CEL codes of another car?
- Is it true that Cobb is working on VF39 map for 2.0L WRX?
- can you give me a good advice?
- cobb accessport
- Stage 2 Rev Limiter?
- Electrical Buzzing sound..stage1
- PDX response time?
- Cobb Stg 2 vs Vishnu Stg 0...
- Cobb Stage 3
- Can someone copy/paste instructions from PDF?
- realtime map
- Flashing Anti-theft map question
- AccessPort and Wideband
- Streettuner Cams and Higher Revs
- Questions about Access Port.
- protune maps
- Please help me decide!!!!!!
- Cobb stage 2.5 map - reliability
- Anyone with OTS Cobb stage 2.5 map driving with VF34 and header?
- AP question
- STi TMIC lag with our 2.0L w/vf turbo's...
- Protune around Arizona
- Tried to unmarry the AP..now car not working
- Unmarrying AP w/ damaged battery
- Looking for Cobb Stage 2 Dyno Charts
- Plan on going Cobb stg3
- Question: Just got my Cobb Accessport
- vf34 best boost range?
- ap question
- Accessport for my setup?
- I'm in need of a map, can anyone help?
- Car seems slower after tune sinks in....
- Stage 2 - 93 vs 91?
- Dumb Noob here: Realtime with stock base?
- EGT Sensor (uppipe) with AP Stage2??
- Ap!!!
- AP and emissions with new exhaust
- Yet another noob AP question (groan)
- Lost
- 04-05 AccessPort Update Question
- Will ECU Explorer work on Cobb stage 2.5 car?
- How to tell AP map version?
- CEL ? with Accessport
- All 2006 WRX & FXT AccessPORT users please read...
- experience w/ 02-03 accessport
- 2006 Stage 3
- Base Vs Real Time
- stage 2 results
- I think my ECU is fried?
- Test mode - help please!
- different map for catless setup?
- AP - Why? At what cost?
- Can AP revert back after being Protuned?
- Going to stage 2
- 06 cobb stg 2.5?
- '06 Legacy GT advice
- Will someone please help with my low boost?
- stage 2 question
- break in period
- Accessport
- Waiting for AccessPort
- Real quick 06 AP question
- accessport for 2005 wrx
- need your opinion
- Accessport question
- Economy Maps????
- Street Tuner Software Question
- Reputable tune shop to get an Cobb AP custom tune map in NY state
- AP stage 2 2006 Question
- Married AP - options please
- When's the new AP and StreetTuner coming out?
- AP is the ****
- ecu reading as AT?
- COBB Protune: In limited release? Why?
- Cobb stage 1.5..?
- Will the 2005 AP work on a 2002 WRX?
- What Aftermarket intakes work perfectly with Cobb Access Port?
- Target Boost Question
- Will 05 AP work on my 04 WRX?
- Download StreetTuner Software, links gone?
- Question about COBB stage 2 kit
- Just went Stg. 2. wowsers!
- link to problem ECU pulling lots of timing at tip in to 1800 rpm
- new parts to be installed vf34
- Used cobb ap
- AccessPort will not power up
- timing adjustments: 91 vs 93
- anyone go to stage 3 yet????
- 04 Injen Map Download
- Protune scheduled for this Friday... a list of things to do..
- Cobb STG2 with a few extras.. How are these logs?
- 04/05 STi AP
- Pro Tuner in MSP area?
- can the accessport handle this?!
- cobb accessport questions
- Protuning Questions
- Cobb Stage 1, Stage 2 (STI)
- Cobb accessport connector
- Random question about AP that i always wanted to ask but never did...
- can i run a stage 2 map on cobb ap on this mod.?
- anyone running AP with perrin SRI
- noob
- Can i squeeze a few more hp out of this?
- 2006 WRX What is the whp you get with stage 1?
- buy from cobb or pdx??
- Cobb Stage 2 wear and tear
- Warning to STi guys on cobb's stage 2 HWG duty maps.
- 16G with cobb 2.5 map
- Protune w/AP @ MachV
- vf 39 map????
- 3/16 and the AP
- Cobb ap Help...
- What stage w/ catback exhaust?
- Please Help
- Where to start with map for the StreetTuner
- Problem with Protune result. Experts advice wanted.
- Agile Automotive ROCKS!!!! Here are my protune #s
- 04-05 STi Cobb Accessport
- Having trouble raising boost...
- Boost gauge on the AcessPort
- modified stock injector scaling on street tuner
- FMIC and AP?
- Buying a Used Accessport
- Cobb Tuning has released a FP18G specific map for the 2006 WRX MT...
- Anyone ever used a 04 AP on a 05 WRX?
- protune?
- 06 WRX + vf39 + AP stage II STI
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