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  1. How exactly do you "unmarry" an accessport.
  2. My F$#%ing Accessport Doesnt WORK!
  3. AP stg 2 with a BOV
  4. Ap Error, Ecu Fried Please Help
  5. stage 2 06
  6. Accessport Reset????? Help please!
  7. reading live boost with AP
  8. Cobb Access Port Automatic tranny 1.20 vs 1.30?
  9. 04 WRX Cobb stg 2 datalog ?'s
  10. PDX Tuning Protune OTS maps vs. Cobb Stage 2 93 Octane!
  11. accesport has no power
  12. Question about Cobb Pro-Tune - installing Helix Catted D/P this Saturday.
  13. Cobb Accessport Stage 1 on XT Auto
  14. Protune
  15. PDX Tuning Question?
  16. Which AP map to use on my trip tomorrow
  17. AP Map Manager problem
  18. How much boost with cobb ap stg2 sti?
  19. Cobb AP
  20. My accessport wont read on my PC?
  21. Worth putting header back on for protune?
  22. any cobb 2.5 guys get a pdx custom OTS map yet?
  23. STI TMIC ok with COBB stg. 2.5?
  24. Will _______ work with my Cobb Stage X?
  25. IDC's with Cobb Stage 2.5, VF34 and STi pinks
  26. Just got a Cobb AP
  27. Cobb Stage 2 Whats the differences?
  28. AP question about revert to stock?
  29. Cobb accessport 04 vs 05
  30. AccessPort: Real Time Mode
  31. Cobb Ap Question
  32. Anyone willing to try a ST map?
  33. Cobb AP issues....
  34. Will Cobb tuning help with TBE?
  35. Cobb Ap Question for 06 WRX
  36. Broken AP Link Cable Need Help
  37. Cobb 1
  38. Question for those using the COBB AP Stage 2
  39. Accessport/Boost help!
  40. COBB= Confusion!~!
  41. About COBB and AccessPort
  42. cobb '06 wrx , was there a low-boost issue related to one of the maps?
  43. AP - Car won't go into test mode! Help please.
  44. Access Port ECU Programmer 06 STI
  45. AP w/ forged internals, anyone having problems?
  46. Cobb AP problem
  47. 04 & 05 AP Questions
  48. Accessport compatibility.
  49. AP question
  50. AP Help! Low Voltage message?
  51. cobb ap and reading boost
  52. Removing ST from an AP
  53. Bigger TMIC w.out Tune?
  54. New AP user. I have a few questions...
  55. Advice on Strange Sounds on a '02 WRX with Cobb AP
  56. Loading Maps to AP
  57. Cobb Accessport
  58. Possible stupid Question. AP and BC?
  59. Which maps are safer to run between PDX and Cobb maps?
  60. Accessport took a dump... long
  61. COBB Stage 2 Question
  62. Ap Vs PDX maps
  63. AccessPort question
  64. Is the AP WRX or STI specific?
  65. 04' WRX Accessport Stock Map ?
  66. Options for data logging with AccessPort and LC-1 wideband
  67. Is the Cobb AP Stage 1 safer than stock?
  68. Accessport weird problem..!!
  69. Ap Installed
  70. am i gonna feel the difference after instaling coob accessport
  71. Newb accessport questions...
  72. Best place to buy Cobb AP?
  73. AP stage 2 suggestions
  74. Access Port - of the the surgical proceedure type.
  75. Please help me ID something in this pic (AP)
  76. STX map and OL/CL
  77. New AccessPORT, no cd, no map list???
  78. stupid question
  79. aP question
  80. Injen Map
  81. Is AP the best plug and play reflash for the wrx?
  82. PDX- cost for tunes for AP?
  83. disconnect batter with cobb ap..?
  84. ap stg 2
  85. Cobb accessport
  86. protune time?
  87. New to stage.. 2 What I'm hearing is detonations??
  88. Boost
  89. Who has had a custom tune with a vf30 and how big of difference did it make?
  90. Connection
  91. AP for my future setup?
  92. AP setup, just 1 question!
  93. the n00b questions will keep coming!
  94. Driving with VF39 on Cobb stage 2.5 map without JDM pinks...
  95. Cobb Tuning ???
  96. Protune map only boosting 15 psi
  97. Just Got my AP overnighted!
  98. 'Anti-Theft' map took HALF the boost away?!
  99. Where to go for a protune?
  100. STi tuning EXPERTS... I need your opinion (PDX tune)
  101. Cobb AP
  102. will my cheack engine light come on?
  103. Headers w/ Cobb VF34 93Oct. ots map?
  104. Cobb rev#
  105. turboback or catback w/ dp
  106. AP finally got here!
  107. ECUExplorer data logging question
  108. Vacumm for Cobb stg II
  109. BASE MAP: Valet Mode Questions
  110. cobb ap: question about injen cai map?
  111. Stu Gt100
  112. Errors
  113. Just loaded stg. 1 with some other mods
  114. Problems with a Protune
  115. AccessPort Map Choice
  116. how to load a realtime map?
  117. Still not clear which map is controlling...
  118. AP Stage 2.5: Bucking after lift at mid-RPMs
  119. most boost that can be run on deadbolt TD04.
  120. pro-tune the accessecu
  121. Discuss: Walbro 255L per hour fuel pump.
  122. Where to get Protune in Florida?
  123. 100+ octane with AP
  124. Can an AP read the CEL codes of another car?
  125. Is it true that Cobb is working on VF39 map for 2.0L WRX?
  126. can you give me a good advice?
  127. cobb accessport
  128. Stage 2 Rev Limiter?
  129. Electrical Buzzing sound..stage1
  130. PDX response time?
  131. Cobb Stg 2 vs Vishnu Stg 0...
  132. Cobb Stage 3
  133. Can someone copy/paste instructions from PDF?
  134. realtime map
  135. Flashing Anti-theft map question
  136. AccessPort and Wideband
  137. Streettuner Cams and Higher Revs
  138. Questions about Access Port.
  139. protune maps
  140. Please help me decide!!!!!!
  141. Cobb stage 2.5 map - reliability
  142. Anyone with OTS Cobb stage 2.5 map driving with VF34 and header?
  143. AP question
  144. STi TMIC lag with our 2.0L w/vf turbo's...
  145. Protune around Arizona
  146. Tried to unmarry the car not working
  147. Unmarrying AP w/ damaged battery
  148. Looking for Cobb Stage 2 Dyno Charts
  149. Plan on going Cobb stg3
  150. Question: Just got my Cobb Accessport
  151. vf34 best boost range?
  152. ap question
  153. Accessport for my setup?
  154. I'm in need of a map, can anyone help?
  155. Car seems slower after tune sinks in....
  156. Stage 2 - 93 vs 91?
  157. Dumb Noob here: Realtime with stock base?
  158. EGT Sensor (uppipe) with AP Stage2??
  159. Ap!!!
  160. AP and emissions with new exhaust
  161. Yet another noob AP question (groan)
  162. Lost
  163. 04-05 AccessPort Update Question
  164. Will ECU Explorer work on Cobb stage 2.5 car?
  165. How to tell AP map version?
  166. CEL ? with Accessport
  167. All 2006 WRX & FXT AccessPORT users please read...
  168. experience w/ 02-03 accessport
  169. 2006 Stage 3
  170. Base Vs Real Time
  171. stage 2 results
  172. I think my ECU is fried?
  173. Test mode - help please!
  174. different map for catless setup?
  175. AP - Why? At what cost?
  176. Can AP revert back after being Protuned?
  177. Going to stage 2
  178. 06 cobb stg 2.5?
  179. '06 Legacy GT advice
  180. Will someone please help with my low boost?
  181. stage 2 question
  182. break in period
  183. Accessport
  184. Waiting for AccessPort
  185. Real quick 06 AP question
  186. accessport for 2005 wrx
  187. need your opinion
  188. Accessport question
  189. Economy Maps????
  190. Street Tuner Software Question
  191. Reputable tune shop to get an Cobb AP custom tune map in NY state
  192. AP stage 2 2006 Question
  193. Married AP - options please
  194. When's the new AP and StreetTuner coming out?
  195. AP is the ****
  196. ecu reading as AT?
  197. COBB Protune: In limited release? Why?
  198. Cobb stage 1.5..?
  199. Will the 2005 AP work on a 2002 WRX?
  200. What Aftermarket intakes work perfectly with Cobb Access Port?
  201. Target Boost Question
  202. Will 05 AP work on my 04 WRX?
  203. Download StreetTuner Software, links gone?
  204. Question about COBB stage 2 kit
  205. Just went Stg. 2. wowsers!
  206. link to problem ECU pulling lots of timing at tip in to 1800 rpm
  207. new parts to be installed vf34
  208. Used cobb ap
  209. AccessPort will not power up
  210. timing adjustments: 91 vs 93
  211. anyone go to stage 3 yet????
  212. 04 Injen Map Download
  213. Protune scheduled for this Friday... a list of things to do..
  214. Cobb STG2 with a few extras.. How are these logs?
  215. 04/05 STi AP
  216. Pro Tuner in MSP area?
  217. can the accessport handle this?!
  218. cobb accessport questions
  219. Protuning Questions
  220. Cobb Stage 1, Stage 2 (STI)
  221. Cobb accessport connector
  222. Random question about AP that i always wanted to ask but never did...
  223. can i run a stage 2 map on cobb ap on this mod.?
  224. anyone running AP with perrin SRI
  225. noob
  226. Can i squeeze a few more hp out of this?
  227. 2006 WRX What is the whp you get with stage 1?
  228. buy from cobb or pdx??
  229. Cobb Stage 2 wear and tear
  230. Warning to STi guys on cobb's stage 2 HWG duty maps.
  231. 16G with cobb 2.5 map
  232. Protune w/AP @ MachV
  233. vf 39 map????
  234. 3/16 and the AP
  235. Cobb ap Help...
  236. What stage w/ catback exhaust?
  237. Please Help
  238. Where to start with map for the StreetTuner
  239. Problem with Protune result. Experts advice wanted.
  240. Agile Automotive ROCKS!!!! Here are my protune #s
  241. 04-05 STi Cobb Accessport
  242. Having trouble raising boost...
  243. Boost gauge on the AcessPort
  244. modified stock injector scaling on street tuner
  245. FMIC and AP?
  246. Buying a Used Accessport
  247. Cobb Tuning has released a FP18G specific map for the 2006 WRX MT...
  248. Anyone ever used a 04 AP on a 05 WRX?
  249. protune?
  250. 06 WRX + vf39 + AP stage II STI