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[ 1]
- UTEC & Tuning Questions
- UTEC basics
- UTEC Revision Summary
- UTEC and Modded stock injectors - Experts wanted!
- Can the UTEC (or any other piggyback) really advance timing? My tuner says no...
- MPS_UTECLogger v2.0 software is here! - calling all UTEC users!
- TurboXS knock light, review and discussion
- UTEC reset(?)ed my custom tuned maps
- UTEC Interface Thread
- Utec for the Nissan 350z....
- ABC and utec
- Closed Loop to Open Loop Transition, when?
- utec problem
- When is UTEC firmware upgrade coming out for STi?
- turboxs knocklite install on 05 sti anyone
- need a utec map for a 20g
- WBo2 with UTEC
- UTEC hitting target boost , feels slow
- Utec problem
- UTEC noob question about setting it up for stock
- question about UTEC map switch install
- Any power limitations with utec??
- Power limitation with Utec??
- 04 sti lag with utec
- Utec ground wire gauge
- Knock, knock, knocking.. 05 STi | UTEC
- Warning to UTEC "WGS" users
- STI utec stage 3
- utec question
- UTEC users retune with each season????
- Tinkering with UTEC knock thresholds...
- 06 STI UTEC question
- boost solution for utec?
- Tuning has begun finally!
- Boost question for the utec
- UTEC Question
- UTEC and Tuner not working together
- UTEC....save map..engine dies
- Analyze my UTEC logs
- UTEC or AP
- Utec Without Abc Valve
- utec boost control
- UTEC pin-outs on accessory plug: map selection
- Utec with EBC??
- 2006 WRX Utec release date?
- UTEC Knock Control
- how can i tune a/f with the utec quickly?
- turbo xs utec
- UTEC map question
- Cel After Install Utec
- Modded Injectors, UTEC, and Idle
- UTEC Tuning, how safe?
- Looking For Someone
- Can you reset UTEC?
- New Utec
- TXS "Tuna"
- Help with problem
- having a delimma about my utec
- 04 wrx, cel flashing. utech installed
- Need utec tune...
- Help me hook up my Tuner-Bosch to UTEC
- Need help with new set-up and tune!
- utec maps needed
- Utec - Cel
- Puzzled - car runs seemingly great on stock map
- When UTEC detects knock?
- Weather changes
- Stage 2 tune and Suspension
- help me pass emissions!!
- Question about Utec
- Knock Cel
- Help...car is back to stock...but
- thinking about utec
- need utec map asap!!
- issue with TPS
- UTEC - VF34 Brass Restrictor
- Problem with my maps.
- Blow through MAF, Maxed?
- UTEC - Part Throttle Stumble
- remote utec switch
- lean idle
- Timing question!
- Stage 2 map 91 oct needed
- Small Computer for UTEC
- UTEC in Australia!!! - knocking due to cold air
- What wlll happen to my tune?
- utec+2.5=?
- UTEC Tuners help.
- JDM ECU Management
- Cold weather problems
- UTEC Tuner in NYC Area
- Blitz DSBC EBC + UTEC Setup ??? Help
- Idle AFR's with JECS Injectors?
- UTEC boost control, or UTEC combined with Profec B...advice needed...
- Cash for your UTEC stg 4 - VF22 map
- How safe is it
- Please help
- Utec and WOT Knock light
- help understanding 100 load column and MAP sensor
- Sbr Gt-12 Tuning
- SR/55 maps
- WRX-2.5L hybrid UTEC map?
- (Linky???) Map Comparison Tool
- Can the TxsTuner replicate the stock af sensor?
- probably elementary questions - maf scaling, afr targets, UTEC wg control
- utec stage 4 on automatic?need map!!!!
- LC wiring question
- anyone have a Stage 4 map for a vf28???
- Front o2 sensor question
- Knocking on Stage 2
- where to start with 16g turbo?
- reflashed 4.2v to 5.0v now losing boost and other problems
- n00b question...totally lost in the forum
- TURBOXS UTEC FIR Euro / Aus Spec 2006 STI ???
- just got utec
- what stage to start as a base on utec with a ej5-40t?
- Looking for some parameters
- Need some map for this setup
- error when loading tune
- Will an 02 utec work with 05wrx?
- no boost!!!!!!!
- TXS Dtec-BC
- VF30 utec I need a FMIC map anyone?
- problem with utec need your help
- in need....
- Will 03 utec work on 05?
- Where did you mount your TXS Tuner?
- UTEC over an Ecutek
- TXS Pro tuner manual.
- need ver. 4.2 asap
- Running Rich w/ Misfires
- Analyze this section from my UTEC?
- Please check my logs from today
- no 'map 2' but all others report?
- up grade Question??
- help troubleshooting UTEC...
- u think my o2 sensor is bad??
- Ok everybody need some help and ideas
- Whats going on??
- Weird problem
- USB to serial adapter - won't connect?
- 18G + Alky 4th pull UTI log inside... UTEC GURUS...
- Need Base Map for STi
- Perrin EBCS & Boost Map
- UTEC 5.0 and CEL code P0102
- 6 UTEC Data Loggers
- AUS spec. turboxs UTEC STI;
- Disconnect Tuner to Flash New Rev?
- cant read utec through tuner lite
- map comparison tool
- tuning an intake
- Utec 2004-2005
- anyone have a decent Stage 3 Map that isn't as conservative as base map?
- Turbo Xs Tuner Help Using Utec And Laptop
- Loading UTEC Maps
- How do u Up Grade program?
- Evaluate this log please?
- 39 Degres Max Timing
- Buying a Utec. Help me be wise.
- Knock event stage3 logs included
- utec w/switch no difference between maps?
- Stage 2: TXS TBE HP
- please delete
- Huge problems please help
- How do you post your logs on the forum?
- Water Injection only.... thoughts on when to spray...
- utec stg 2 v stg 1
- hmm.. wierd
- Utec related misfires? Evaluate my logs
- Tuner and UTEC not talking
- UTEC newb, need help
- Log mapper?
- Bad Det with TXS Stage 2 - help?
- Mechanical 02 fix and UTEC
- Valet Starting Problem
- How to eliminate the ABC
- anyone have a small 16g map?
- Anyone have a low boost stage 4 Map???
- Utec spare solenoid parameters?
- Stage II STI IDC high?
- opinions of 1/4 mile utec log
- Ecu Standoff sizes
- Utec w/ motor swap
- Utec map compare tool: fyi http://www.clegg.us/UTEC/UTECMapCompare.asp
- utec/plx wideband combo anyone use this?
- in need of a map
- Buy the Utec?
- Try this out
- 04 sti with utec?
- I Think My Utec Is Dead?
- UTEC with a mac
- got the utec yesterday!
- Does the mpS logger software bridge the generation 2 xs wideband
- Tuned Boost, Suggestions?
- Hickup/backfire on tip-in
- knock with 10.2 AFR Stg 4?!
- Gen2 Tuner manual
- Utek with ECUTEK Flash
- unusual knock issue - built motor
- latest logs
- need an advise which tuner p&l or grd
- mistake
- buying a used utec
- Considering switching back to UTEC
- I hope I jinx this STi version...
- UTEC Tuner or maps for download
- utec and mac
- bad boost spike with GM Solenoid, and utec
- CLB Boost values after Perrin EBCS Install
- boost map
- Anyone live near DE
- CEL Fix
- Weird UTEC symbols help plz!
- Stock Mode
- Already have ECUTEK, thinking about adding UTEC...
- Is Turbo XS Tuna the same thing as Turbo XS Tuner?
- 2nd Knock Sensor Location, 2nd Knock Sensor Locatoin!
- Any Idea on this Knock
- 04 sti utec in 02 wrx
- Newbie tuning of UTEC with EBCS...
- How's this log look?
- UTEC + ABC on 04 STi = Not hitting target boost.
- need help
- 3rd gear pull *csv file using mps utec logger
- TXS stg4 OTS map dyno numbers?
- Fuel, Timing Boost - Tuning Methods
- map for utec 2.0 with 750cc and 16g?
- Tuned Stg 4 knock... Still...
- VF22 with FMIC Map... Please?
- stock egt probe
- UTEC log issues, need help!
- wish i could tune...
- wastegate duty cycle
- Differences in Tuner Pro Systems?
- UTIME Checksum Error
- Launch Control
- Tuna Problems, please help. Very erratic behaviors
- Flashing CEL?
- Does the UTEC work with non USDM WRX's?
- How to tune out -kc at low RPM?
- Low MAF voltage?
- Drop in Peak Power at 5500rpm onwards
- PIN code?
- datec?
- Utec Abc
- Noob IN need of UTEC Help
- utecedit
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