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  1. (SCAM ALERT) - Master Thread
  2. Inception scams and instructions (mods please sticky)
  3. Been scammed by Boostdscubaru
  4. wrxpooh scams (merged threads)
  5. 2.2 Axis Racing Stage1 Longblock & Stage 1 Valvetrain
  6. Scammed BIG by deadlystealthwrx
  7. Scammed by jdem18l
  8. Scammed by norris639 Norris Myers Jr. I WANT MY MONEY BACK
  9. Possible Scammer 05wrxtc-2004 sti gauge cluster
  10. Possible Scammer InsaneAznKid-1 New OEM Subaru Subwoofer!
  11. Possible Scammer TRUDAWG: Unresolved, Member Banned
  12. RicanLynk arrested for selling stolen parts
  13. Possible Scammer 03scubaru:WRX crossmember, sti tranny mount, wrx driveshaft
  14. Possible Scammer grantn SoCal: STi Utec w/ map selector
  15. Possible Scammer eazyd123-Cusco Roll Cage F/S FL.
  16. Resolved: Silentdawn
  17. mtm584: 4.11 Differential WRX 5spd WRX Differential
  18. Resolved: pimpindada21
  19. Silentdawn- FS: DE: Tripple pod pillar and Gauges
  20. Resolved-bestrex84:ARC Titanium pulley cover
  21. Resolved- hbkdachocolate:tien flex and rotora big brake kit
  22. Greek_Pulan Ca: Part Out
  23. spdkillz: Greddy, Seibon, OEM header
  24. Jared Nelson: Full part out. Car purchased Wrecked for sale specifically.
  25. I finally got my money from Julesamazing212 aka Chia
  26. Resolved-Tripinray: Oem Clarion Mp3/wma 6cd Player
  27. Scammed by hbkdachocolate for $1200!
  28. Silentdawn- FS: DE: Greddy Turbo Timer
  29. Resolved-ayobreezie:JDM Bugeye STi headlights
  30. Resolved-2005wrbluesti:F/S (NoVA): Rota G-force hyper silver 5x114 great condition
  31. NHSRT4andSTi-FS: 07' STI TMIC, VF43, Sti Turbo back
  32. AZ: Borla Hush, DP, Cobb and more from Black06TR
  33. Heeyongko:Fs Oh:tbe/dp
  34. Resolved:CicioSTi-FS:ND: BRAND NEW Ultimate Racing GT35r Kit UR Ver1 FMIC+More
  35. Resolved:dukeduster- holset turbo,stock intercooler,txs boost controller, TGV
  36. Potentially Scammed by bobbymorgan425,flexinrex,pauls07wrx or wrxmkj Thread
  37. 03twrx-Perrin Rotated 35r Kit part out.
  38. Resolved-nate_johnson17-FS: WRX ignition coils and MAF sensor
  39. advanracing62-Id- Wrx Tmic
  40. Resolved-jdmwrxman:Sti Intake Manifold
  41. Resolved-wRxbeater11-Stock STI USDM Top mount intercooler
  42. power enterprise pe1820f
  43. unabomber scammed me
  44. Ohhhh Uncle Ben.... where is our money???
  45. Turbo Xs Utec Brand New
  46. blay2486-Parting STi
  47. SLCDUB: FS: STi V-Limited Lip
  48. 908revs-Black vortex generator roof fin Impreza
  49. Javwrx: sti tmic
  50. Texy32-EJ257 2.5 STI Block, STI Heads
  51. BooSTIn_StI-AP VER 2 FOR 2.5 L * Brand New*
  52. MS180SX-TurboXS TBE, or downpipe NY CHEAP!!
  53. Resolved-Richscd2-FL: Ultimate Racing Upipe w/ 38mm ewg for gtspec headers
  54. Streeth0opz-For Sale: recaro "Sportline" Reclining seats brand new in package.
  55. Resolved-bp03wrx-Mountain biking gear
  56. blkandbluwrx-FP Green 7cm 3in
  57. OH: aps front mount
  58. DayOfPain-Tanabe turbo back.
  59. fs: HKS electronic boost controller(cheap)
  60. hilfiger4you-Selling Volk Le28Ns 18x8.5 good condition
  61. 305wrxPIMP-2006 STi Brembo Calipers(only) front+rear
  62. Resolved-F.S. TR Blue Injectors
  63. white wingless trunk
  64. FDrif73r-02 wrx 5spd transmission Nor Cal
  65. joshalo5-FS brand new HKS turbo timer !!!
  66. Redscoob-sedona red doors, hood, fenders, headlights, taillights
  67. Resolved-herewego311-Fs: SoCal Brand New Ported, Polished and Coated 20G!!
  68. Tha Shocker!-Sti 6spd Transmission Swap
  69. for trade, my apexi n1 for stock muffler
  70. Resolved:awdbeast-Central Cali: Cusco lower arm bar Version I
  71. Back to stock- exhaust, tmic, ap, injectors, STi
  72. starace-06 WRX-Trans, Diff, & Axles
  73. PowerSTi-STi BBS gold 17s with tires
  74. I <3 Dirt-oem 07 WRX parts and stuff
  75. subajay-feeler FP evoIII 16 ported new
  76. xmelanko-06 STI transmission
  77. subajay-fs Oem Sti seat covers $250 obo shipped
  78. scoobydude13-Front Mount Intercooler
  79. advanracing62-FS- ID Coolingmist Trunk Mount complete
  80. hock3yplay3r20/V8killinscooby-WTT autometer clock pod for stock clock
  81. MA FS:Bronze STi BBS wheels, STI tmic, Cobb AP, Helmet
  82. wrxdragger-02-06 Subaru WRX Sti Struts with tanabe springs
  83. fayedsWRX-PlayStation 3 80GB System - Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle
  84. Resolved:wRxbeater11-06 Stock Gold STI rims + tires, 5x114.3 Mint
  85. Subski5-(4) 18' Enkei Rsv's
  86. Resolved- ShookOne-Carbon Fiber Hood Scoop
  87. SubaruFTW-FS Brand new FP RED Free shipping!
  88. osirissirhc-Fs: Co: 05 Sti Up Pipe
  89. EklipzGSXkid-Aftermarket suspension/brake goodies!
  90. calmnothing-FS: Greddy Emanage Ultimate
  91. Trouble with user scooby03man
  92. turbobird14-FS: Turbo XS UTEC w/ Map Switch and Hallman MBC 350.00 Shipped!!
  93. FS::IN::FP18g,GTSpec header/uppipe,Tial 38mm EWG, Helix DP, injectors, fuel pump, etc
  94. Resolved-06TRDude-FS: Feeler: 04 STI 5x100 Silver Rims!
  95. Attention! Read before posting in any Scammer threads!
  96. Thunder STI: URGT35r kit, Hydra 2.5vers, Perrin, UR100cc Injectors w/Fuel rails
  97. 25rsti-Aftermarket and Stock STI
  98. SuperDuper-FS: Need this gone! Deadbolt TD05 18G
  99. Resolved:krzemienr-FS: IL Valentine One Radar Detector
  100. SpADeZ_WRX-2007 WRX OEM Wheels and Tires Painted Black *Pics*
  101. stiplayer/ceonx-FS: COBB CATTED DOWNPIPE ($600 Value!)
  102. Resolved:sexycat-Tokico D-spec new in box.
  103. Resolved:manforrilla-05 STI 6Spd, Diff, Spindles, rotors, calipers, everything
  104. 3rd-FS Borla headers for 2.2L single port
  105. Digmaster-Fs= Turboxs rotated kit with fmic and header
  106. bereda-modded psp plays back up games & 4gb stick
  107. skatefather-super cheap downpipe back exhaust (custom)
  108. bugeye front end/sides
  109. Resolved:dblurx4-Few APS parts... Perfect condition!
  110. Sti tmic, spt intake, g200 catback, srt4 turbo ecess
  111. Resolved:Almost_there_1-Rotated Turbo Kit, TBE, TGV's, Gauges, EBC, etc PICS INSIDE
  112. wReXeRw-XBOX 360 w/17 games
  113. wrxsmy-fs 06 gold stock bbs good price
  114. Resolved:subaruNV-Blouch Dom 3 low miles!!!!
  115. mellenlee-VF39 turbo CHEAP.
  116. 02wrximpreza-TGV's, Intake Manifold, Throttle Body, Fuel Rails and Lines
  117. Resolved:yellowspec-FS: bug eye grill and headlight plus uppipe
  118. Boost_Creepin-FS: Injen Cold Air Intake
  119. Hendy-ARC Cobb, HKS, Perrin, VF34, STi TMIC , 9lb Flywheel, Injectors +MORE!
  120. Auto0utcast:FS: FP Green - freshly rebuilt
  121. jsti2009-VF 43~ 8K Miles
  122. sixth-star-WV/MD: 1995 STi leftovers
  123. Resolved-gotawd: FS: 06 WRX and STI manifolds/Engine Parts
  124. Resolved:Unrealgtx-FS: WRB Bugeye Front end jdm hotness!!!!!!
  125. JBROYLES000-04 Wrx Part Out
  126. STL WRX-FS: VA: V1 Cobb Accessport for 2005 WRX
  127. Resolved-STimo-FS: F/R swaybars for 05 STI
  128. Foo_Blyat-FS: (IL) OEM Stock Sub w/Harness
  129. srt2stiguy05-F/S Stock STi Parts & Aftermarket parts
  130. RTFD FS: Cleaning out the garage sale
  131. cgmwrxFTW-ACT Heavy Duty Modified Street disc clutch. Brand New
  132. hindsketchup-STi Genome Boost Gauge W/ Controler
  133. 04slprwgn-FT- Prodrive Blue wagon springs
  134. arrowscooby-oem bpv recirc elbows - 2 available
  135. Resolved-jerseyman201-FS:NorthNJ 06 Aspen White hood+scoop+wing
  136. Resolved:my name-FS: 02 WRX part out
  137. hector: FS:05 sti intake manifold, tgvs,fuel rails, modded side feeds
  138. Resolved:eg33GC-FS: 3 pair of Hella Supertones
  139. shallowsti/Blackout801-intercoolers,aps50/50,ap.
  140. wRxbeater11-FS: STI uppipe
  141. 1320sti: FS:CT - Clutchmasters fx400 BIGBOY wrx clutch and flywheel (full faceace)
  142. FS - MA MY07 STi OEM Parts (Turbo VF43/Injectors/TOP Mount/BCS/Intake/Air Splitter)
  143. randymako-Savannah GA: 04 WRB STI
  144. Resolved-Ctracer911-05sti crossmember,Steering rack,Aluminum control arms,antiliftkit
  145. tearitdown9-STi blk new floor mats- Passport 8500 x50
  146. Resolved-novacivic: Subaru Parts For Sale!
  147. Santacruz02: FS (NJ): WAI, Methanol kit, banjo line vf-39, exhaust
  148. husky: FS or tade 08 spt cat back.
  149. shiningstar: FS/FT= JBP wingless Trunk&Hood(no scoop)
  150. brazymstrp-SOCAL: TW 2004 STI Rear hubs
  151. FS Perrin GT3071R Rotated Turbo Kit
  152. S> Sti Seats Great Condition Cheap.
  153. Sube-Doo: FS: SOCAL Carbon Fiber 60 MM Gauge Pod
  154. F/S 04-05 Accessport
  155. I<3MySTi: After X-mas Sale! Borla Catback+Defis+STi Replica Strut Bar
  156. 07 sti bbs rims oem gold price drop
  157. robwrx19720-F/S(DE)feeler: FP TD05 18g turbo/w 2.4" Perrin Turbo Inlet Hose
  158. mt72-FP Green Turbo Ceramic/Ported/EWG Portes TB ** Precision inj 1200cc
  159. Existence-Apexi El Gauges (5 of them) CHEAP
  160. 05subaru4sale / subz - FS NY - 2005 wrx .. PRICE LOWERED .. MUST SEE ..
  161. Resolved: jondl-FS: STI Duracon Shift Knob for 5spd WRX
  162. howes124-1993 wrx jdm
  163. Dado07-Mo : 2003 Wrx Part Out
  164. Nelli-son-low mileage ej25 case halves w/no damage
  165. FS/FT: (For Sale or Trade) Resolved:moratti-Stock 06 STI exhaust 1st offer takes it
  166. Anyone know the user "Go2Guy"
  167. FS: (For Sale) rexnitallday/2.0stirex-back to stock vf39, pinks, walboro
  168. FS: (For Sale) jaironsti-Wv 06 Sti Heads And Cams 2 Sets Of Avcs Gears And Coilpacks
  169. FS: (For Sale) PorscheEater-porsche 6 pot calipers and 360mm discs with impreza adaptors
  170. FS: (For Sale) group n gearbox
  171. FS: (For Sale) Many Ported & Unported Parts-Exh/Int Manis, Crosspipes, Uppipes, Turbos.. etc
  172. FS: (For Sale) Resolved:Illsti-Perrin Front strut bar 02-07 wrx and sti
  173. FS: (For Sale) NasTy05STI-DEFI BF Amber (Red) Boost, EGT, Oil Press. Gauges With Control Unit
  174. FS: (For Sale) JDM Bugeye Headlights non HID 1/2 perfect
  175. FS/FT: (For Sale or Trade) Lopez75-oem Passenger's headlight for an 05 STi
  176. leeloo2013-2005 STI 6 speed transmission
  177. FS: (For Sale) Sti Tmic
  178. FS: (For Sale) 50trim-Brand New A/f/r Sensor
  179. FS: (For Sale) subiegirl151-Sold!
  180. FS: (For Sale) Asian_Subby-Greddy Type-RS BOV
  181. Mods add Texy32 to Scammer central
  182. FS: (For Sale) vinth-Clutch Master Light Wieght Flywheel
  183. FS: (For Sale) Elit3/AWDlove-STI Engine Part Out!! TONS OF PARTS CHEAP!
  184. FS: (For Sale) 2 iPhone 4 (white and black), and iPod touch 3rd gen
  185. FS: (For Sale) mysubarusti4life-Merged threads
  186. FS: (For Sale) 04 STi Axles and Stop Tech Slotted Rotors
  187. FS: (For Sale) Feeler 06-07 wrx 4 and 2 pot brake calipers
  188. FS: (For Sale) 5x100 15mm spacers
  189. FS: (For Sale) SOLD!!STi Short Block .
  190. FS: (For Sale) Turbo Parts!!
  191. FS: (For Sale) VanBoxer- Cleaning out the storage space sale, many stock 05 wrx parts.
  192. FS: (For Sale) NY:LOT of Parts, VF39, Garrett Big Rotated, Precision 4094 Billet, NEW, low miles..
  193. FS: (For Sale) Sold!!!!
  194. FS: (For Sale) greddy90
  195. FS: (For Sale) RSTimpreza-GC/GF Parts for sale (JDM, perrin, Nardi)
  196. FS: (For Sale) BlueFish- SoCal: Built ej257 short block
  197. FS: (For Sale) ej257 shortblock
  198. FS: (For Sale) Insane07-NY: 08-12 WRX/STI * TIAL - COBB - PERRIN - ATP - GRIMMSPEED & More
  199. FS: (For Sale) 05-07 cobb ap v2
  200. Scammer 1-786-525-1117
  201. FS: (For Sale) twrxbugeye-02-07 wrx borla catback exhaust hush $200 obo
  202. FS/FT: (For Sale or Trade) Items for Trade or Sell
  203. BigAlWrx/Jason Castellano- scammer
  204. FS: (For Sale) Warning: "Wirk" is a scammer, buyer beware
  205. FS: (For Sale) Ej205 Longblock & 5-Speed
  206. FS: (For Sale) FS : really rare S204
  207. FS: (For Sale) coil *spring* version 9
  208. FS: (For Sale) 2 side skirt sti bug eye
  209. FS: (For Sale) jap subie-2014 STi " IHI vf48 turbo" Less than 5k miles of use.. MINT!
  210. FS: (For Sale) jaysonstiguy-full car part out suspension. brembos/24mm seaybars with end links
  211. Anyone familiar with gregory edwards in austin, tx?
  212. FS: (For Sale) STI08a-STI\Spec B 6 speed, Complete swap,Cusco Center Diff, Carbonetic F&R, Hubs etc
  213. FS: (For Sale) Tenormdnes-AEM CAI Intake and Invidia Catted DP
  214. FS: (For Sale) swansburg-Rebuilt IHI VF39 Turbocharger
  215. FS: (For Sale) For Sale Cobb Accessport apv3-sub003 - $500 obo
  216. FS: (For Sale) JC1977/Lokosport-selling my accessport v3-sub3 $475
  217. FS: (For Sale) diabloo1287-Work Emotion CR wheels
  218. FS/FT: (For Sale or Trade) hdXpst-My accessport ap3-sub004 forsale
  219. FS: (For Sale) Resolved:Texy32- NC: EJ257 Heads Bare
  220. FS: (For Sale) Drule-Turbos turbokit and fmic impreza wrx stl 2002-2008
  221. all NASIOC users!
  222. boxerman1989-Cobb Accessport V3 003 08+ WRX/STI
  223. FS: (For Sale) Beware of 1050 Injectors for sale
  224. FS: (For Sale) V3 Accessport - 375 OBO Picked Up
  225. FS: (For Sale) V3 Accessport AP3 SUB004 and ETS Catback
  226. FS: (For Sale) jonesy999:COBB Acessport AP3 SUB004 Unmarried In Box with Accesories - 425 shipped
  227. FS: (For Sale) 15+ WRX/STI Subispeed V2 Sequential Full LED Headlights - $800
  228. FS: (For Sale) Accessport FOR SALE - AP3 SUB004 15+wrx/sti - 400 shipped
  229. FS: (For Sale) krisf5228-Tomei TURBO inlet 2.5 bnib
  230. Accessport Scammer Alert
  231. FS: (For Sale) milocas-Pa: Cobb AP V3, FlexFuel Kit, Vf52
  232. FS: (For Sale) SubieNewbie5- Rebuilt VF39 / STI Pink Injectors
  233. FS/FT: (For Sale or Trade) Do Not Buy From Hekler