- Where is everyone???
- HELLO HELlo hello
- YEAH!!!!!
- I'm Baaaaaaaack!
- I'm In A Hole And It's Gonna Sound Sweet!
- new Member alert
- How big is the family?
- Gauge housing.
- "i" club shirt's?
- March SCCA
- SCCA Shirts
- Stan! Does it work?
- Visitors, Please Sign In...
- The "Mountain Fighter" Cometh...
- I did it...
- Help,I've lost my...
- Sowatnobadygetcomputas?
- March AutoX
- Looking for a used car...
- Waialae Subaru and SCCA
- Scoobie Newbie on the block!!!
- Got tires?
- Spring Break Cruise?
- Yo, Yeeman19!
- SubyRS Has Left The Building!
- Shootout results...
- Idea: Lets all meet to go to AutoShow
- SCCA April
- Attn: WRX-STI
- Subaru stickers anyone??
- Darryl, the man with the AWD cars but no Sube...
- Where in the world is Suby RS???
- WAKE UP !!!
- 2000 Blue RS running around....TURBO'd
- Cusco rear strut bar???
- Post your best SCCA times for HKK!!!
- Updated HIIC site
- Memorial Day Cruise???
- ???
- Rims for sale!
- That Eerie Quiet of A Graveyard...
- In Search of Type R Butt!
- I'd Like To Say Something Nice About...
- ADR 17's w/ Dunlop W-10's (used-for sale)
- Attn: Jason Tokunaga
- rims wanted
- Problems Everyone
- Honeymoon Locations? (kinda OT)
- Holy Cow! I Made It!
- Reclassification of the RS
- Dryer Ducting
- Who's in next week
- Aloha State Games Registration
- Hello
- New Scooby in town
- Aloha Hawaiian members
- Where is everyone from?
- May SCCA AutoX
- What, cruise?
- Air Tank
- HKK WhereYou Stay?
- Tire Size
- Cruise Itinerary (is that how it's spelled?)
- How was it?
- Cliff....
- Whats everyone doing?
- Aloha State Games-Roll Call!!!
- See ya in 3 weeks...
- 99 wrc challenge video tapes almost free
- Aloha State Starts at 9am!
- When is the next cruise?
- Do not buy this game!!
- ATTN: Scooby South
- T-Shirts
- Aloha State Games-Oh, Baby Yeah!
- That was fun!!!
- NEW: Super Street Magazine
- Where's my damn steak, you meathead!
- July 1st cruise?
- Finally Sold!
- The Final Nightmare?
- what i drive when i don't have my baby
- Its On :D
- Crash it !!!!
- Hopefully a new Subie to join the club!!!
- Sooper Street
- The Cruise!!!
- The Blue-Meanie is Gonna Get Surgery!
- shet i sell these beautiful pieces of AWD art
- I Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...hehehehe
- Ver 5/6 ....
- Got Ticket???
- seriously...?
- ALOHA guys
- sunday Sunday SUNDAY
- Yo, Tyler T. !
- Any Cheap Rental Ideas?
- Anyone want to order?
- *sniff* miss my soobaru
- ALMOST.....Dang it..
- sh3t yes!!! don't stop now! whats my name!
- Finally Sold?
- Come and Get It!
- Silver 2000 RS in Wahiawa...
- sick man sick
- Hey...you in the blue shirt...
- Stan! Call Me!
- Any Ideas On A New (Old) Car?
- Props to your Islands...
- When is the next holiday?
- Not A Great Week For The NOSS Man!
- Hangin with CoolHand
- Attn: Vernonator
- Farewell "Blue Meanie"
- What Happened To Yeeman?
- Officially Of The Miata Persuasion
- I got a deal for us Hawaii guys....
- So Who's Entering their Rides in the SHOW???
- Hmmm....
- Killer Sounds For Sale!
- Mark's RS
- 808 Speed Vol 2
- New Sighting...Sedona Red Cpe
- itchin' to race?
- Arrrgh!!!
- Car Show
- Watch ouT!!!
- Car show... GTR
- How did you fair???
- TIMothy... Sporting a new look are you????
- Hey "King", How's the Show Car Coming?
- Who's Going Autocrossin' This Sunday?
- They'r watching....
- HELP! Need Safety Check!
- Talked to Chris today...
- Other stuff to do...
- August Autocross Results
- Show Car?
- Help me on the 20th
- Fun runs
- Well...It's been Fun
- who's going car show?
- ???
- Where did everyone go?
- Track Day Info...Very Interesting
- Well No HONG KONG but Singapore now
- bored!!
- September Autox Results
- Anyone interested.
- Hi everybody
- Im Back
- It's to hot in Arizona!
- Fun Run
- Autocross
- next cruise
- Yo South! SCCA Site for Autox Results
- everyone
- Ok WRX, Here's Some CRAP!
- Let's have a showing!!!
- DYI Clear Corners
- I want a scuby toooo
- Attn: WRX555
- lets do this...
- Suspension Frenzy
- SCCA Solo I Street Car Event
- price
- Carbon Fiber Dash Kit
- Im from East Oahu
- Long Time No Hear
- Know anyone from Mililani High?
- king
- Got new pics of MY99
- Short Cruise tomarrow.
- Test Drove the New Impreza WRX in Japan!
- Who owns the Blue impreza with white rims in Kaneohe?
- 2001 Impreza!!!!
- king
- should i wait or buy now?
- Toys for Tots
- So...Anybody Else Foaming?
- Feast or Famine
- Local questions
- Whats the time Mr. Wolf
- Planning to join the Impreza community!
- Impreza in show?
- Coming to Waikiki for New Years!
- The OBS guy!
- MY99/00 Stock Wheels
- ShinRS: check your "Private Messages"
- Job Opportunity
- Hello.....
- could schuman be fast?
- Subaru Parts
- hear bout the beat down!
- T-****s
- To All You HIIC Turkeys!
- Lapping Sessions
- what site to see?
- Pics of Japan WRX-STi
- damn it
- yo ppl
- Gobbles!!!!
- Races this weekend
- New moderator
- Toys for Tots Pics
- Ordering from SPD
- Attention Attention
- Anyone need body parts?
- Byron's Impreza Pics Posted On the Web
- Roll Call!
- Yeeeehaaaa!!!
- whats goin down
- New Parts
- Movies!!!!
- if u didn' know
- Where is everyone??
- sighting today
- Christmas Wishes!
- for all the rest
- clear lens
- Merry Christmas!!!!
- I'm back!!!;)
- You better watch out...
- i have carbon fiber sheet for sale $20
- Holy Crap! What Happened To 2000?
- I'm back on the mainland -- missed meeting you.
- USA Meet, West Coast We Need a VOICE!
- Good News & Bad News!
- B-Spec USA Clutch @ 10% savings
- Scca notice
- Support on Friday
- cutter
- ALoooooooooha :)
- Comments On Autox?
- Need help...
- SCCA meeting notes
- Stop Number 2
- Cruise this Super Bowl Sunday!
- no love here??
- Thank yall
- FS: 20mm rear sway bar