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View Full Version : Southern California Impreza Club Forum -- SCIC

  1. Hotshot Headers
  2. NC'/'C vs. SC'/'C who all is in and let's start planing this....
  3. I need FOR SUREs here, for the SEMA in Pomona
  5. Time Distance Rally what do you guys think.......
  6. Button Willow?
  7. Dealership Reccomendations?
  8. San Diego area people...
  9. TMRImpreza Donald??
  10. Northern CA vs. Southern CA. tentative event plans....
  11. Trophy classes for the meet...
  12. White 2dr 1999 RS sighted in Pomona!
  13. South admits to being "underdogs"
  14. White 2-door RS sighted in Mont Clair
  15. I need to know who's in for speedzone after SEMA
  16. Speedzone details right here
  17. autox at q this weekend???
  18. auto-x at the Q( the murph arik)
  19. North vs South
  20. Attn: SoCalScooby and Kartboy....
  21. North vs. South meet sponsors...
  22. Attn: Horseflesh @ speedzone
  23. Battle for California: The North vs. The South Event.......
  24. directions for North meets South
  25. IMPORTANT if you are staying in the hotel!!!
  26. Unfortunate news......
  27. autox
  28. Now that was a great weekend!!
  29. ATTN: Tyrmeltr
  30. Street Legals!!
  31. Good Subaru Shop in OC
  32. Check out how my Legacy looks now.....
  33. Hollywood Park Auto-x photos.
  34. Update to our site including some insight to Kartboy hehehehe.
  35. I saw a 2000 White Sedan 2.5 RS at the Doger Game...who was it???
  36. For Sale:18mm rear bar
  37. SMACKDOWN at Buttonwillow
  38. AutoX at Qualcomm April 22nd (this Saturday)....
  39. Feels empty
  40. Next autoX at Qualcomm May 6th?
  41. 30t Anniversary Lone Pine Time Trials! May 20,21
  42. ATTN: Arik
  43. rims
  44. Rim of the World
  45. Qualcomm autoX This sunday who's going (I already know TOM!!!)
  46. Black RS with Gold rims spotted across from Ruby's in Passedena
  47. Francis READ
  48. anyone up for a rallycross???
  49. 2 RS sightings within 15 minutes, and a lamer
  50. When is next auto-x?
  51. My 1999 Legacy GT 4 Sale
  52. Seriously, Wazzzup?
  53. "Impreza" Places 2 see
  54. Who has the ridge blue 555 with gold wheels?
  55. The new schedual for the Q is up
  56. Who's going for the BBQ at TMR's (where's the address Don???)
  57. BBQ day!
  58. Need to bring anything for BBQ?
  59. I'm an IDIOT!
  60. Sorry I couldn't make the BBQ......
  61. Who's going to Buttonwillow
  62. test
  63. TSD Rally this Friday in Los Angeles
  64. Best Southern CA Drives?
  65. attention Enland Empire Racers
  66. Something going on in El Cajon or Santee?
  67. Tentative AutoX schedule for Quallcommand Hollywood park are on the club site...
  68. Space Shuttle Trip
  69. Grand Opneing!
  70. Subaru track day info.
  71. ATTN: Tyrmeltr
  72. Track Day Webpage Up
  73. 98 Red RS spotted on the 10fwy
  74. Super Tuner Testing
  75. Track day update: 19 Spaces left
  76. 99 Legacy GT on Ebay
  77. SOA coming to Track Day ! : supersweet !
  78. PLSE READ: track day deposit cut-off: ASAP
  79. Track day up North!!!!!! Who wants to go?!?!?!?!
  80. WeaponR intake and Apex'i ITC for sale ASAP for cheap.....
  81. Free
  82. ok new post on the auto-x
  83. Pomona Street Legals this Sunday
  84. San Diego Auto-X Update/Recon
  85. fantastic turnout at ISR..
  86. Lets all Vote!!! How many people think kyle should be limited to 3PSI of boost???
  87. Byron's engine
  88. Ok, tire rub=not good
  89. Vote: Weekly smilie wars for fun......
  90. a little OT, but, It's good to be back home!!!
  91. Corona RallyX
  92. Lets take a Vote on how many think TMR should stop acting like a Kid?
  93. ATTN: TMR impreza
  94. why do we get the urge to report sightings? well uh a er... heres another one.. in IR
  95. Anybody in the SD area with Cusco front strut tower bar?
  96. Super Tuner Testing again
  97. TRACK DAY Update: Driver List + 6 spaces left
  98. Anybody want to buy some Mettalica/Korn/Kid Rock tickets for Saturday?
  99. Aarrhgh! I HATE Balboa Subaru
  100. Old Question but I have to know
  101. ATTN: ARG (and anyone else who wants to see the "super tuner")
  102. White 2000 RS at Spectrum
  103. Francis: clutch?
  104. Going to the recycler anyone need some parts???
  105. Possible purchase of Impreza RS...
  106. Tustin Marketplace
  107. Black de-badged RS in downtown LA - NE1 here?
  108. Anyone want some Enkei's.......
  109. July 30, i'll be at LAX, anyone wanna meet ?
  110. Brand New Impreza Owner
  111. Aftermarket muffler for sale!
  112. Goodguys Import Jams 2000 Tomorrow!!
  113. rally blue imp at santa monica promenade!!
  114. Gonna spend some time in LA area
  115. ATTN: Sauginius RE: Azuza Canyon
  116. We should have impreza meets
  117. My car may be sold so spare parts may be on the way.....
  118. Meeting Time and Place for Sunday
  119. Anyone from SD or OC want to caravan on Sunday?
  120. ATTN:Codemonkey
  121. Gorman Ridge Rally August 19th
  122. solvang info?
  123. Import show at Laguna Beach
  124. License plate holders
  125. 00 RS For Sale
  126. SoCal multi-club meet. Interested?
  127. Be in a movie on Sep.17 or 22
  128. Mountain Run with CLUBSi, Postpone indefinately.
  129. no more huntington beach (OC) subaru
  130. Qualcomm AutoX August 27th who's in??? Tom's not HEHEHE.
  131. FIA Rally stickers
  132. Solo II Event this Sat
  133. Parts For Sale
  134. Gorman Ridge Rally this Sat. 19th
  135. Need some opinions
  136. White RS Turbo At ISR
  137. Attn: TMR Impreza
  138. How does the Impreza compare to the Civic Si
  139. Corona Rally X
  140. SCIC Logo
  141. Set of stock RE92's for sale!
  142. Transplanted Texan / South African in So Cal.
  143. Our Website is Updated and I need stuff from you all!!!
  144. Cars at the Gorman Rally?
  145. Paint Detailing
  146. Rallycross cross post...
  147. Sunday Qualcomm autoX who's gonna be there?
  148. stereo for sale
  149. Redline or Motul dealers?
  150. NewCelica.ORG is having a PCH Run... Who GO?
  151. Well??? dont leave me ahnging?? who won??
  152. playing with a porsche 911...
  153. BBQ questions and Member profile questions
  154. clear lenses
  155. oh yeah....
  156. what should i do buy the CURRENT impreza or wait for the NEW one?
  157. Cheap place to refinish wheels??
  158. Where to get corner balanced in San Diego?
  159. TSD Rally tomorrow! Whos going?
  160. Hey So Cal people...
  161. coupe spoiler
  162. 98 RS on the 5
  163. Thanks for the Hooters, guys
  164. Good place to get tinting done in SD?
  165. I'm busy updating the site again better send me your pics and info...
  166. A great drive
  167. Jdm red and clear tail lights
  168. Timmons pics are up as well as I have cleaned up our site alittle...
  169. More stuff on our site new for sale section as well as my new exhaust...
  170. 3rd Annual West Coast Meet
  171. Qualcomm AutoX Sept 23. this time we run last...
  172. Got tint?
  173. Clear Signal Lights and Clear tail lights
  174. 2K Impreza 2.5 RS FOR SALE
  175. 4 hr navigational rally tonight
  176. new to San Diego
  177. Prefer local buyers!!
  178. Attn: mpreza
  179. Corona RallyX Track Pics
  180. Its time again!
  181. Attn Donald (TMR):
  182. Mira Mesa RS Sighting
  183. Drag Racing Anyone?
  184. October 22nd Test Run and Volume Capacity Check
  185. So cal People... I really need help on this one.. please
  186. Spotting: Black RS, Gold Wheels, and no Spoiler.
  187. Logo Voting for our club IMPORTANT!!!
  188. idea for PCH run
  189. That wasn't Sound Check.. Test Run for Oct 22nd
  190. Rubr Duky your post about sound check is corrupted...
  191. Thinking of Selling RS....
  192. Spotting: Blue Impreza Blue Tint
  193. New to the board-from OC-anyone else?
  194. Leaving for VA on Sunday
  195. Qualcomm saturday?
  196. Got my scooby!
  197. Auto or Manual???
  198. Anyone going to T-Hill? An instructor might need a ride.
  199. What Happened??
  200. Primitive Racing Looking For Service Help At Prescott
  201. N/A needed for Dyno!
  202. Clear Tail Light
  203. SD Sighting -- Balboa Ave.
  204. FS a track slot at T-Hill on Thurs
  205. PCH run official topic (questions and concerns)......
  206. PCH run official topic.... (Sponsors and promotion)
  207. Shootout on Sept 30th
  208. @ Mira Mesa Marketplace
  209. PCH Run Leaders.....
  210. body KITS!
  211. Hot Import Daze
  212. FS: 20mm rear sway bar, $100
  213. Looking to buy a car + info on auto body shops
  214. PCH Run Leader's First meeting
  215. PCH Run: Anybody got access to a video mixing studio?
  216. Sema tickets arrived today.
  217. Attn: MPREZA
  218. Attn: Donald (TMR)
  219. Japanese Impreza Emblems
  220. Spring installation
  221. PCH run: Benz, BMW...
  222. Metro VW Subaru (San Diego)
  223. Paint Places
  224. Who knows about fix it tickets?
  225. Rain on Tues!
  226. PCH Run: Rain or shine?
  227. hi
  228. Renick Subaru
  229. Time to vote on our LOGO!!!! Final count on the 15th.
  230. Would you attend a Subaru day at Laguna Seca?
  231. Automatic needed for testing
  232. NEW West Coast Chapter of PI Motorsports...members needed
  233. Ram Scoop Hood For 93 and Up??
  234. Caravans for the PCH run next sunday...
  235. Attn: TMR Impreza (Don)
  236. PCH RUN T-Shirt...
  237. Hitting up Azuza Canyon tonite.
  238. Bitching about 3rd brake light..
  239. Who wants bilsteins for free?
  240. Anyone buy their car in SD county?
  241. San Diego Scoobnatics, rejoice, another faithful has joined the collective!
  242. San diego Boys
  243. Good tire alignment shop
  244. Mprezya
  245. Where are we meeting?
  246. 2 RS Spotted in Northridge
  247. Sponsor
  248. 18mm rear sway bar for sale
  249. Track Day II at Laguna Seca: Pease read ASAP.
  250. Anyone going to the auto-x at the Q?