- Hotshot Headers
- NC'/'C vs. SC'/'C who all is in and let's start planing this....
- I need FOR SUREs here, for the SEMA in Pomona
- Time Distance Rally what do you guys think.......
- Button Willow?
- Dealership Reccomendations?
- San Diego area people...
- TMRImpreza Donald??
- Northern CA vs. Southern CA. tentative event plans....
- Trophy classes for the meet...
- White 2dr 1999 RS sighted in Pomona!
- South admits to being "underdogs"
- White 2-door RS sighted in Mont Clair
- I need to know who's in for speedzone after SEMA
- Speedzone details right here
- autox at q this weekend???
- auto-x at the Q( the murph arik)
- North vs South
- Attn: SoCalScooby and Kartboy....
- North vs. South meet sponsors...
- Attn: Horseflesh @ speedzone
- Battle for California: The North vs. The South Event.......
- directions for North meets South
- IMPORTANT if you are staying in the hotel!!!
- Unfortunate news......
- autox
- Now that was a great weekend!!
- ATTN: Tyrmeltr
- Street Legals!!
- Good Subaru Shop in OC
- Check out how my Legacy looks now.....
- Hollywood Park Auto-x photos.
- Update to our site including some insight to Kartboy hehehehe.
- I saw a 2000 White Sedan 2.5 RS at the Doger Game...who was it???
- For Sale:18mm rear bar
- SMACKDOWN at Buttonwillow
- AutoX at Qualcomm April 22nd (this Saturday)....
- Feels empty
- Next autoX at Qualcomm May 6th?
- 30t Anniversary Lone Pine Time Trials! May 20,21
- ATTN: Arik
- rims
- Rim of the World
- Qualcomm autoX This sunday who's going (I already know TOM!!!)
- Black RS with Gold rims spotted across from Ruby's in Passedena
- Francis READ
- anyone up for a rallycross???
- 2 RS sightings within 15 minutes, and a lamer
- When is next auto-x?
- My 1999 Legacy GT 4 Sale
- Seriously, Wazzzup?
- "Impreza" Places 2 see
- Who has the ridge blue 555 with gold wheels?
- The new schedual for the Q is up
- Who's going for the BBQ at TMR's (where's the address Don???)
- BBQ day!
- Need to bring anything for BBQ?
- I'm an IDIOT!
- Sorry I couldn't make the BBQ......
- Who's going to Buttonwillow
- test
- TSD Rally this Friday in Los Angeles
- Best Southern CA Drives?
- attention Enland Empire Racers
- Something going on in El Cajon or Santee?
- Tentative AutoX schedule for Quallcommand Hollywood park are on the club site...
- Space Shuttle Trip
- Grand Opneing!
- Subaru track day info.
- ATTN: Tyrmeltr
- Track Day Webpage Up
- 98 Red RS spotted on the 10fwy
- Super Tuner Testing
- Track day update: 19 Spaces left
- 99 Legacy GT on Ebay
- SOA coming to Track Day ! : supersweet !
- PLSE READ: track day deposit cut-off: ASAP
- Track day up North!!!!!! Who wants to go?!?!?!?!
- WeaponR intake and Apex'i ITC for sale ASAP for cheap.....
- Free
- ok new post on the auto-x
- Pomona Street Legals this Sunday
- San Diego Auto-X Update/Recon
- fantastic turnout at ISR..
- Lets all Vote!!! How many people think kyle should be limited to 3PSI of boost???
- Byron's engine
- Ok, tire rub=not good
- Vote: Weekly smilie wars for fun......
- a little OT, but, It's good to be back home!!!
- Corona RallyX
- Lets take a Vote on how many think TMR should stop acting like a Kid?
- ATTN: TMR impreza
- why do we get the urge to report sightings? well uh a er... heres another one.. in IR
- Anybody in the SD area with Cusco front strut tower bar?
- Super Tuner Testing again
- TRACK DAY Update: Driver List + 6 spaces left
- Anybody want to buy some Mettalica/Korn/Kid Rock tickets for Saturday?
- Aarrhgh! I HATE Balboa Subaru
- Old Question but I have to know
- ATTN: ARG (and anyone else who wants to see the "super tuner")
- White 2000 RS at Spectrum
- Francis: clutch?
- Going to the recycler anyone need some parts???
- Possible purchase of Impreza RS...
- Tustin Marketplace
- Black de-badged RS in downtown LA - NE1 here?
- Anyone want some Enkei's.......
- July 30, i'll be at LAX, anyone wanna meet ?
- Brand New Impreza Owner
- Aftermarket muffler for sale!
- Goodguys Import Jams 2000 Tomorrow!!
- rally blue imp at santa monica promenade!!
- Gonna spend some time in LA area
- ATTN: Sauginius RE: Azuza Canyon
- We should have impreza meets
- My car may be sold so spare parts may be on the way.....
- Meeting Time and Place for Sunday
- Anyone from SD or OC want to caravan on Sunday?
- ATTN:Codemonkey
- Gorman Ridge Rally August 19th
- solvang info?
- Import show at Laguna Beach
- License plate holders
- 00 RS For Sale
- SoCal multi-club meet. Interested?
- Be in a movie on Sep.17 or 22
- Mountain Run with CLUBSi, Postpone indefinately.
- no more huntington beach (OC) subaru
- Qualcomm AutoX August 27th who's in??? Tom's not HEHEHE.
- FIA Rally stickers
- Solo II Event this Sat
- Parts For Sale
- Gorman Ridge Rally this Sat. 19th
- Need some opinions
- White RS Turbo At ISR
- Attn: TMR Impreza
- How does the Impreza compare to the Civic Si
- Corona Rally X
- SCIC Logo
- Set of stock RE92's for sale!
- Transplanted Texan / South African in So Cal.
- Our Website is Updated and I need stuff from you all!!!
- Cars at the Gorman Rally?
- Paint Detailing
- Rallycross cross post...
- Sunday Qualcomm autoX who's gonna be there?
- stereo for sale
- Redline or Motul dealers?
- NewCelica.ORG is having a PCH Run... Who GO?
- Well??? dont leave me ahnging?? who won??
- playing with a porsche 911...
- BBQ questions and Member profile questions
- clear lenses
- oh yeah....
- what should i do buy the CURRENT impreza or wait for the NEW one?
- Cheap place to refinish wheels??
- Where to get corner balanced in San Diego?
- TSD Rally tomorrow! Whos going?
- Hey So Cal people...
- coupe spoiler
- 98 RS on the 5
- Thanks for the Hooters, guys
- Good place to get tinting done in SD?
- I'm busy updating the site again better send me your pics and info...
- A great drive
- Jdm red and clear tail lights
- Timmons pics are up as well as I have cleaned up our site alittle...
- More stuff on our site new for sale section as well as my new exhaust...
- 3rd Annual West Coast Meet
- Qualcomm AutoX Sept 23. this time we run last...
- Got tint?
- Clear Signal Lights and Clear tail lights
- 2K Impreza 2.5 RS FOR SALE
- 4 hr navigational rally tonight
- new to San Diego
- Prefer local buyers!!
- Attn: mpreza
- Corona RallyX Track Pics
- Its time again!
- Attn Donald (TMR):
- Mira Mesa RS Sighting
- Drag Racing Anyone?
- October 22nd Test Run and Volume Capacity Check
- So cal People... I really need help on this one.. please
- Spotting: Black RS, Gold Wheels, and no Spoiler.
- Logo Voting for our club IMPORTANT!!!
- idea for PCH run
- That wasn't Sound Check.. Test Run for Oct 22nd
- Rubr Duky your post about sound check is corrupted...
- Thinking of Selling RS....
- Spotting: Blue Impreza Blue Tint
- New to the board-from OC-anyone else?
- Leaving for VA on Sunday
- Qualcomm saturday?
- Got my scooby!
- Auto or Manual???
- Anyone going to T-Hill? An instructor might need a ride.
- What Happened??
- Primitive Racing Looking For Service Help At Prescott
- N/A needed for Dyno!
- Clear Tail Light
- SD Sighting -- Balboa Ave.
- FS a track slot at T-Hill on Thurs
- PCH run official topic (questions and concerns)......
- PCH run official topic.... (Sponsors and promotion)
- ClubSI.com/SE-R.net Shootout on Sept 30th
- @ Mira Mesa Marketplace
- PCH Run Leaders.....
- body KITS!
- Hot Import Daze
- FS: 20mm rear sway bar, $100
- Looking to buy a car + info on auto body shops
- PCH Run Leader's First meeting
- PCH Run: Anybody got access to a video mixing studio?
- Sema tickets arrived today.
- Attn: MPREZA
- Attn: Donald (TMR)
- Japanese Impreza Emblems
- Spring installation
- PCH run: Benz, BMW...
- Metro VW Subaru (San Diego)
- Paint Places
- Who knows about fix it tickets?
- Rain on Tues!
- PCH Run: Rain or shine?
- hi
- Renick Subaru
- Time to vote on our LOGO!!!! Final count on the 15th.
- Would you attend a Subaru day at Laguna Seca?
- Automatic needed for testing
- NEW West Coast Chapter of PI Motorsports...members needed
- Ram Scoop Hood For 93 and Up??
- Caravans for the PCH run next sunday...
- Attn: TMR Impreza (Don)
- PCH RUN T-Shirt...
- Hitting up Azuza Canyon tonite.
- Bitching about 3rd brake light..
- Who wants bilsteins for free?
- Anyone buy their car in SD county?
- San Diego Scoobnatics, rejoice, another faithful has joined the collective!
- San diego Boys
- Good tire alignment shop
- Mprezya
- Where are we meeting?
- 2 RS Spotted in Northridge
- Sponsor
- 18mm rear sway bar for sale
- Track Day II at Laguna Seca: Pease read ASAP.
- Anyone going to the auto-x at the Q?