- My findings on Subaru gearsets for high power applications.
- differential breathers
- WRX Clutch change?
- Bizarre Clutch Issue
- Heavy-duty gearboxes
- 1st and reverse trouble
- Synthetic Transmission Fluid
- Braking the car at high speeds WRX
- Kartboy Short Throw Shifter Can Wait
- Grinding trannie??
- dentist visited 3rd gear
- Looking for Correct STi Transmition mount Number
- Automatic tranny
- Transmission Weaknesses? Someone please explain.
- Welcome to the Transmission Forum
- My 98 OBS tranny VS. RS tranny.
- Legacy Tranny
- Why the subaru transmission is hard to get into 1st.
- level10
- Automatic Sti mount
- 3 puck clutches?
- 4EAT tranny cooler
- WRX 4EAT upshift pop/backfire?
- differential is leaking oil???
- Legacy EJ20T with Impreza L tranny???
- Weird thing with clutch.
- GDA clutch same as GC-8 clutch?
- WRX shifter assembly
- Lets settle this
- What kind of lube is used in a dog box, anyhow?
- 2001 liberty B4 tranny
- will a kartboy fit my car?
- time for a new thread strongest gearsets?
- Installing STI short throw shifter
- If the Japanese spec WRX is 280 hp, why are those trannies not breaking?
- WRX Trannies Strong or Weak points?
- transmission mounts
- Tire size vs gearing
- ticking in reverse
- Help - grinding first gear, sometimes 5th
- auto tranny reset?
- Tranny fluid change ?'s.
- compatibility of flywheel
- whole lotta shakin goin on
- Shift Kit for 4EAT 97 Legacy GT
- 2.2L AT - Whining Noise
- Slipping out of gear
- Changing ratio of intitial torque split (F/R) - is it possible?
- $13,000 transmission
- occasionaly wont go into 1st gear, sign of impending tranny problem?
- clutch install how to?
- 93 Auto won't hold gears and no cruise - related?
- worried, could my synchros be failing?
- Clutch question
- LSD for front diff in 4EAT
- Torque Converter Swap?
- Difference betwen R160, R180, R200 rear diffs
- Questions about my 5 speed
- busted tranny mounts?
- Automatic stall speed
- Freakin' Clutch!
- A Few Questions
- RedLine oil ?
- Want to reverify gear ratio's... (final drive)
- WRX MT..cable clutch or Hydraulic
- Acura RSX Six Speed in a suby...
- Anyone else get this?
- Need input Clutchmasters Stage 2
- Changing Automatic WRX shift points?
- AT to MT can I do it???
- 4eat....5eat???
- AT oil temp light flashing
- 5-Speed WRX: Pops out of 1st gear
- Can someone explain if I have problems with my transmision
- Just received my ACT clutch- this doesn't look right
- Swaping gears & Diff.?
- Auto tranny woes
- 4eat torque split
- Pro Tech or Level Ten Torque converter?
- And the crunch came back, it never went away
- My dealer is a moron
- Transmisission fluid & Differential Fluid
- AWD Check
- Review of STi Tranny mount
- WRX Tranny fill hole?
- Yanking E-brake to slide...bad thing?
- Shifting "POP"
- rear LSD questions
- 02 4eat rev limiter problem/worrie
- Trans. Oil Change at High Miles
- shift points for drag racing
- Install Cobb tuning short shifter?
- Normal driving
- Stainless Steel Braided Clutch Line
- shiftknob weight?
- Short throw shifter and bushings
- Short Throw Shifter
- Can I use stock pressure plate with ACT disk???
- Automatic vs Tiptronic
- Important note about installing Chalak gearsets
- Quaife Diffs are on sale! but I have a question
- syms shift kit, any one have this?
- sti tranny mounts
- ACT Clutch?
- I feel sick- replacing clutch, found worn input shaft
- Should release fork be held firmly against pivot?
- TCU code share?
- q's on dogged out tranny gears
- Spt Short Throw Shift Kit
- Manual tramission fluid and differential questions.
- Any1 know if bad things can happen if I shim up the rear of my 5 speed tranny?
- UR clutch instaled
- Who has rebuilt their trans?
- Autotranny Temperature Gauge
- Shifting...
- Shifting
- Can someone tell me if I am OK..
- How are you AT guy's launching?
- ACT clutch is IN!
- squeeky & stiff
- Light weight Flywheel
- What else could be wrong?
- clutch shudder
- help from fellow mt 2.5rs
- not going into 5th gear
- Time for a new clutch?
- Double Clutching
- Where to buy Tranny and Oil coolers?
- WRX automatic vrs 2.5rs automatic
- Twin plate clutch
- Pull fuse = AWD - FWD??
- Who makes our TCU?
- 2.5 RS and available Subaru Junk Yard Trannies?
- Tranny Mount/ Pitch Stop Bushing
- Used clutch?
- Project Programmable TCU Needs Your Help!
- '95 1.8l AWD Coupe Clutch = Heavy?
- Torque spec. needed
- Anyone know of a good semi racing tranny?
- Is this noise normal? or....?
- Auto Learning Bad Things? (long)
- Is STi 6 speed an option/requirement
- changing auto tranny fluid
- WRX Tranny in '94 L?
- Cusco bushings
- T56 in a WRX?
- Re: Short shifter, hurt your car?
- What's needed to install an STi shift kit?
- lets see if you guys can help
- anyone here from Gearguy lately?
- ACT vs. Clutchmasters
- Stock WRX pressure plate rating
- 6 Speeds manuals?
- Help! Unidentified sound
- benifits of a stronger clutch?
- help.... popping sound 1st to 2nd
- Rev-lab short shifter's
- Triptronic Tranny?????
- Different Clutch fluids
- FYI: cable-to-hydraulic clutch swap (long)
- Front Diff in a WRX 5psd- same as RS?
- 1/4 times for auto
- ILPP Shifter \ Uni Filter install
- Help! Auto tranny problems
- mmmmmm LSD
- Phantom LSD
- strength of 2.2L diffs?
- Legacy auto problems in 1st gear?
- WRX tranny questions
- Torque Specs?
- Cobb Shortshift installed but...
- Auto tranny temps discussed with Subaru. No serious need for a tranny cooler?
- Gear Oil Cooler / Pressurized Lube
- Brand new axles or remanufactured ones?
- will the 2.2L impreza L tranny fit on the EJ20 engine
- 2002 RS transmission same as 2002 WRX?
- manual tranny fluid
- Q: The Kartboy Shortshifter
- Need Help in finding transmission
- quick question re: clutch
- what do you think about this auto people
- Kartboy Question.
- Crazy clutch question
- Kart Boy Bushings Help
- Big thanks to kartboy!
- 90 Legacy AWD auto tranny info needed
- cold start shutter
- Would this be detrimental? -bushing washer question
- Kartboy Bushing?
- Imprezer/scc article/tranny
- Mounting the Transmission upside down
- How long is the WRX clutch under warrenty?
- Clutch Question?
- redline products...
- What is this noise?!?!
- Question
- Help Can't Decide What to do
- Reverse Grind?
- 2nd gear downshift sound
- Clutch will not disengage?!
- transmission switch...
- any way to get a 6 speed AT
- Auto vs Standard
- Differential problems?
- Squeeky Clutch
- Installing STi short-shifter
- Can I get this JDM shifter?
- Afraid of the Stick!
- clutch cost?
- Uh Oh, please Help.
- Autopsy Pics : 2nd Gear
- Help, stock bushing won't come out. I need an answer now, please
- Is it ok to change only two tires?
- Exedy Clutch upgrade
- FWD Fuse = Subaru Appreciation Fuse
- Crappy clutch question (My questions is different I swear!)
- Short shifter rattle above 4k rpm
- shudder on engaging w/ cold engine
- WRX tranny, please help!
- RST Noise Diagnosis
- Clutch Adjust?
- ATTN: Kevin Thomas..auto tranny ?
- First time on a manual
- Anyone have pic of AWD tranny opened...
- How an Automatic Tranny works
- '95 1.8 L - 2nd Gear grinding and fighting me
- Blown Tranny's....
- Shift Kits for Older Scoobies
- More clutch shudder questions...hmmmmm...
- Auto tranny 2nd n 3rd gear runs to redline
- Manually shifting automatic transmissions
- Redline Shockproof Superlight - color?
- Help with clutch bleeding
- So.... what's all this dogbox stuff?
- Stalling!
- Redline tranny fluids?
- ILP shifter
- Short Throw Help
- Where to buy redline?
- Rear diff production date
- OBS and RS trannies the same?
- Anothet clutch ?
- The best place to get front and rear KAAZ LSD's(price wise)?????
- Weird thing happened to my car today
- Cusco vs. Kartboy bushings
- Kartboy's # and Cobb shorty reveiw needed.
- stock clutch to ACT clutch
- AT Chugging at low speed while turning
- Clutchmasters Stage 1 or Exedy Clutch Kit?
- Redline tranny/diff oil info