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  1. Sources for EJ20's and general conversion info
  2. WRX Conversion - Done!
  3. WRX Motor Swap w/2.5RS drivetrain Question.
  4. What the heck is a GMA?
  5. Engine swap
  6. Project L- 1.8 turbo
  7. Welcome to the Conversions Forum
  8. I need a right hand drive service manual
  9. Small block chevy?
  10. Front end body
  11. Sti motor in a GC8
  12. Legacy Turbo 5MT into 4EAT WRX
  13. modding the WRX swap in a RS?
  14. Turbo Legacy Engine into a 94 Impreza L?
  15. FWD to accept AWD parts
  16. engine swap questions for a 94L
  17. sti 6spd tranny in an 00 rs2.5?
  18. Help: installing RA roof vent
  19. Is there a "best" impreza for an engine swap?
  20. Has anyone done a pre 97-98 installation of a EJ20T?
  21. Lacking structural integrity?
  22. '04 WRX (or STi) seat swaps into GC Impreza
  23. Are L and RS fenders the same?
  24. Wiring USDM EJ20 into MY98
  25. Any one have tips for doing an EJ20T swap?
  26. ej20 or ej22 block?
  27. DIY harness wiring???
  28. WRX conversion done but speedometer not working!
  29. Utech and JDM motors?
  30. Another ej20 source thread
  31. EJ20 Jap spec
  32. which rear diff?
  33. drums to discs
  34. EJ20T in a '96 Legacy ?'s
  35. GDA suspension in a GC/GF8?
  36. 99 rs swap
  37. Forester TD04
  38. Sourcing new STI drivetrain components?
  39. looking for motor
  40. GD gauge cluster in GC
  41. turbo in 2.5RS?
  42. Chalak Gears installed, pics here.
  43. just curious
  44. Need Help
  45. need help
  46. 2000 Impreza RS Instrument Cluster Wire Color Code
  47. STi Gauge Cluster
  48. For you older MY with newer trannies
  49. This is considered complete (wire harness)
  50. after engine swap
  51. MY02 tranny swap in MY98 AT RS?
  52. looking for suggestions 4 project car
  53. Using the USDM WRX Crossmember
  54. Just a thought
  55. Just a Thought
  56. Tommy Kaira!! need info....
  57. Basic Swap Info
  58. rs wrx engine swap
  59. What did you pay for your RS/Outback hood?
  60. STi Engine/trans Swap for 2002-2003
  61. Need connections to JDM STi motors
  62. Planning on doing Ver. VI RA swap where to find engine?
  63. at to mt swap in my97 impreza 2.2l brighton
  64. 1998 Outback swap! almost done!
  65. Can anyone send me a 1998 wiring diagram?
  66. reliablity of a WRX swap?
  67. What to do with RS engine after swap?
  68. RS/Outback Hood on pre-MY97
  69. Hmmm.... DOHC EJ20 heads on a 1.8 Block?
  70. Is the Fuel pump controller necessary for WRX swap?
  71. JDM STi EJ20 head with AVCS on A-spec EJ20?
  72. Anybody have experience with Wrecks?
  73. 97 legacy GT needs new Engine :(
  74. Wrx drivetrain swap in to 96 legacy
  75. sti head on n/a 2.5
  76. 86-91 Loyale XT conversion to STi possible?
  77. Looking for a Torque Monster
  78. Converting Impreza to Rear Wheel Drive
  79. OEM WRX exhaust on GC6/8 Swap
  80. car bogs at 2500 rpm
  81. Trans-Species Transplants
  82. EJ20TT to 92' Legacy swap?
  84. cost of JDM motors
  85. 00 RS gauge Cluster in a 94 L
  86. will my Blitz exhaust still fit when I swap for an EJ20?
  87. Goodies before install?
  88. Making a little car FAST!!
  89. lighten front bumper beam
  90. Will this work? MY99 Block w/ MY00-01 RS or 02+ WRX DOHC head swap???
  91. 2000'RS coupe to 97'Brighton coupe body
  92. Converting Legacy 2.5 to STi
  93. confirming fitting.
  94. Opinions on my latest stupid idea please.
  95. will WRX header fit the new age STI
  96. 02 wrx- 04 wrx front end
  97. Where to a get Salvaged '99 RS?
  98. What will fit in a 92' Legacy?
  99. WRX Manual-to-Automatic?
  100. STi Engine Swap?
  101. Converting FWD L to AWD
  102. H6 into Impreza?
  103. Will a 2.2 liter head fit and work on a 1.8 liter block
  104. WRX transmission conversion notes (GD2-H replaced by BC6-G)
  105. Loyale
  106. wrx dash in a legacy?
  107. EJ22T into Impreza electrical problem
  108. 1.8 to ??? FYI: No emissions in Indiana!!!
  109. 2.2 to 2.5
  110. anyone destroked a 2.2l turbo motor to 2.0 l?
  111. EJ18 to EJ25 (DOHC '98) swap wiring / vacume Quest.
  112. does a OBD-1 EJ25 ECU exist?
  113. Walbro pumps??
  114. 02 wrx rear wagon seat in old school wagon?
  115. Axles and pedals
  116. EJ25 Swap quesions (axles, rear diff)
  117. advice on no spark from cylinder # 3 and 4 - ignitor?
  118. Gutless '96L needs help.
  119. Impreza Sedan Rear Windsheild Wiper Conversion?
  120. how to upgrade a 93 1.8 fuel pump?
  121. my swap progress
  122. 93' impreza swap
  123. What wires do I splice into to hook up a turbo timer?
  124. JDM STI GC8 to US GC8
  125. 04 body panels onto 02-03
  126. WRX rear sway bar on a GC body
  127. Are aftermarket brake systems for a wrx compatible with 95 impreza awd L?
  128. I need HELP!
  129. Please help with decision
  130. Blew my motor doing a legacy block need info
  131. '97 1.8 to '99 2.5; Wiring, Ecu, MAF?
  132. Motor swap guys: need wiring harness?
  133. what swaybar with what x-member?
  134. ej20 turbo powered justy
  135. Pulling out my stock motor need advice
  136. gutting the airbag from wrx seats?
  137. wrx rear differential in a legacy?
  138. need help finding a member of ours
  139. Ok, here's a really hard question for your brains! EJ20tt + FMIC
  140. new member
  141. Need ej25 for '98RS
  142. Legacy Tranny Swap Questions
  143. L->WRX Brakes Complete; Results and Lots of Pics
  144. Bulkhead wiring harness??
  145. FWD to AWD converison parts list
  146. V.3 STI To impreza Advice on donor shell
  147. is the jdm wiring diagram different from the usdm one?
  148. Problems with JDM
  149. '94 FWD Legacy to AWD
  150. I/C Water For Wagon?
  151. WRX engine to RS swap?
  152. What to do next??
  153. Any one using the WRX fuel pressure sensor/solenoid in their WRX swap?
  154. my next project
  155. WRX starter motor work on JDM EJ20?
  156. Any feedback on JSPECAUTO.COM
  157. svx engine
  158. Crossmember turbo legacy VS. wrx ?
  159. What Tranny Can I Use???
  160. 02 sensor question on swap
  161. Wiring 00 RS Cluster using 02 WRX Wiring Harness
  162. early 90's Legacy 2.2L Turbo motor into a 1993 L?
  163. 4eat to 5mt...
  164. EJ20 WRX Block Swap
  165. WRX wagon seats in a 93 L wagon?
  166. What do I have here?
  167. MY99 LSD swap
  168. How's this for a conversion...
  169. L--->RS cluster?
  170. Porsche engine swap - SVX or WRX?
  171. WRX 4EAT -> BC6 5MT conversion (wrap-up)
  172. SVX's New "Legs" (Tranny)
  173. complete swap: ver. 5-6 or ver. 7???
  174. Would this be a good conv car? 2wd 1.8
  175. Power steering pump Conversion?
  176. X8 motor???
  177. Where can I get a EJ20 USDM Turbo Motor and Tranny for my 1.8?
  178. Where to sell engine after swap? (00 2.5rs)
  179. Engine swap or car swap?
  180. Four star motorsports?
  181. Forester XT 2.5l Turbo motor
  182. wrx swap into RS auto
  183. jdm swaps done, but need to reset ecu! help
  184. Will a AWD engine work w/ a FWD car
  185. mistaken post, do not read
  186. '95 L Steering Pump Repair - Conversion to MY00 Pump Resevoir: Success!!!
  187. Definitive thread on EJ20 swap into GC8
  188. got my new 2.2l turbo
  189. narg. my ej18->ej25 saga is complete
  190. WRX tranny--->EJ25rs Motor???
  191. Can I keep my cluster???
  192. 1997 version3 sti injection diagram???
  193. 00' 2.5rs to 97 jdm sti conversion
  194. USDM ej20 vs. Usdm ej18 Flywheel
  195. 02 WRX engine in a 98 L sedan?
  196. rear engine awd?
  197. Need some links for a FAQ in here...
  198. 2.5 N/A into a 1990 legacy AT?
  199. can i use a wrx clutch?
  200. Question about version 8 motor?
  201. Forester XT's turbo on a GC8????
  202. ???'s about a swap I want to do....(more)
  203. READ FIRST! Conversions Forum: FAQs and Threads of Note
  204. Converting disc/drum '02 OBS to WRX 4 wheel disc
  205. 2.2 turbo heads?
  206. V7 JDM STI Conversion.
  207. WRX engine swap radiator questions.
  208. Will WRX momo wheel fit on '98 RS?
  209. Euro GC8 STi gauges in US GC8
  210. 3.0 H6 into 95 Impreza begins
  211. 97 JDM WRX ECU pinouts
  212. wrx ic on legacy but wrx bov does not fit
  213. Up-pipe Welds
  214. Will a MY00RS power steering pump fit a Ver. 7 STi EJ20?
  215. Anyone Know what all is needed.......
  216. Potential Problems when swapping for EJ25T from new XT
  217. Gearbox conversion in EJ15 - Auto to Man
  218. Where do have to hammer to get the 6-spd into a GC8
  219. Fwd to Awd..
  220. Some question for the SWAPers....
  221. Retaining Stock Cruise Control
  222. Electric Forester seat?
  223. 2.5rs front end converison parts list
  224. Roof rail swap
  225. Power Steering Fluid Reservoir Mount
  226. clutch and flywheel questions
  227. AWD vs. RWD
  228. 02+ Interior in 00 RS
  229. If I got an EJ22T motor and oil pump, what else would I need to make it work
  230. '04 STI USDM seats into an '03 wrx
  231. STi fog covers
  232. Swappers Problems???
  233. Jspec H6 3.0TT ?
  234. EJ20 swap w/Link...easier?
  235. 2.5rs with complete JDM WRX swap done!
  236. Power Steering Rack Conversion
  237. Forester Swap EJ20
  238. Faster steering rack?
  239. STI cluster???
  240. Bulkhead wiring harness?
  241. JDM BG5 EJ20tt to US BG5 2.5 Conversion - Info Please
  242. What Cars Came With A Rear LSD?
  243. Model Codes and What They Really Mean
  244. Dammit now car is cutting out at 4200 RPM's in all gears!
  245. Looking for ecu pinout for 97 jdm sti
  246. A page of interest to those with early WRX/Legacy engine swaps for trouble shooting..
  247. EJ20 motor?
  248. 2.2 to 2.5
  249. STI spoiler on GC8
  250. Motor Swap, need information