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How to Sign Up |
NASIOC Supporter Membership, Sign up Now!
Well some sort of a voluntary paid membership has been in the works for a very long time now, and it finally ready to use. We are now offering a paid membership that will get you a few extra benefits on NASIOC. NASIOC Supporter Paid Subscription Link You can also access the Paid Subscriptions area from your 'User CP' link. The Paid Subscriptions link is on the lower left side menu under Miscellaneous This membership is 100% voluntary and even without it you will still have access to all the same features and forums you have come to expect with your regular membership. The added benefits you will get for signing up are:
Joined from the beginning to December 31st 1999: - You will get a lifetime membership. Joined from January 1st, 2000 - June 30th 2000: - You will get a free 1 year membership. Joined from July 1st 2000 - December 31st 2000: - You will get a free 6 month membership. If you donated to NASIOC WAAAAAAY back in April of 2000 when we needed money to buy a server upgrade. Just send me some sort of proof of the donation and I will directly translate the donated amount into the appropriate length membership for free. And when I mean way back... I mean this thread: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44455 In order to get your membership, if you are one of these exceptions, you will have to contact me directly. The software doesn't have anything to do with this, so don't pay if you are on these lists, unless you still want to send a donation and sign up... and if you do... THANKS. Email me [email protected] and include the subject 'NASIOC Supporter Membership' Make sure you include your username, user #, join date and which membership you are eligible for. Make sure the email subject matches exactly because I'm going to be filtering my email for that, otherwise it might get lost. NASIOC Supporter Paid Subscription Link If you are paying by eCheck through PayPal the membership won't be active until the eCheck clears through PayPal. If you still don't have access after the eCheck clears please contact me as noted below. If anyone has any trouble signing up, or your renewal doesn't process correctly, please let me know. The switch from your normal user account to the NASIOC Supporter should literally take less than 30 seconds, and in most case it's instantaneous. So if you do encounter any problems please email me immediately ([email protected]) so I can take a look at the situation. Please make sure you include your username, date of signup, and forward the paypal email to me as proof of payment. Thanks in advance, and happy posting! |
I paid but my new membership, or renewal, isn't working... what should I do? |
The system doesn't work perfectly, unfortunately. So... if your new signup or renewal goes through properly on PayPal, but didn't update your NASIOC status correctly you will need to email me so I can correct it. The only time the renewal won't be instantaneous is if you paid with an eCheck (Bank Account), then it will take about 3-5 days for the payment to process. So... if you paid with an instant payment, and your access didn't update correctly, email me [email protected], including your username and the PayPal transaction id from the recent payment, not the id from the subscription (if it starts with an S- that's the wrong one), and I'll get it corrected. If you paid with an eCheck, and it's listed as cleared in your PayPal but your account here still hasn't updated email me the same info. |