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Old 12-03-2006, 07:45 PM   #1
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Default So, I was the drunk guy at Army/Navy

CN: or I'm sure that's what the first aid folks, thought. However, both of my friends were trying to stick up for me that it was definitely something else. Seems a good bet it was some kind of food poisoning though I had some violent additional reaction.

A good friend of mine comes up with a huge group, has a huge tailgating setup, alcohol, etc.... I arrived around 10am or so, started drinking then, but not heavily. I had had breakfast and was picking on food the whole time as well. Around 1:30pm we headed into the game. In that 3.5 hours, I think I had 2 or 3 beers and 3 mixed drinks. I had a portion of a small bowl of chili (wasn't that tasty), a cheeseburger, a small chicken parmigian sandwich, and just some chips/pickings stuff. All in all, I would have said it was an average tailgater's experience.

Well, I don't really remember going to our seats, but I do remember being in them. My friend said I got up to use the restroom and fell across the row of people (don't remember). I remember getting to the bathroom and just becoming an absolute mess. I was disoriented, physically uncoordinated, vomiting, crapping, going in and out of consciousness.... Finally, my friend had first aid come and take me away. Luckily, I wasn't aware enough to be embarrassed, but I'm sure it was.

I spent several hours there, where they tried to hydrate me, but they put cold fluids into me, so I was shivering violently. I actually don't really remember any part of being there (couple hour memory gap) until the game was over and they moved me to Methodist Hospital. They had me wrapped up like a mummy trying to warm me and it wasn't working. They were asking me questions, and I was answering, and I heard them saying how I couldn't answer anything coherently when they first got me (don't remember being asked anything before that).

At the ER, my friends were firmly holding their ground, that they don't believe I had anywhere near the alcohol to fit with the rest of this picture. My one friend mentioned something we may have eaten but I don't think they really entertained it - well, that friend spent nearly ALL of today at his house with the runs. My bloodwork came back normal, cardio came back ok, etc. They told me they were going to do a head CT and heart CT but it was taking forever. At 10pm when they said they were going to admit me just to keep watching, I decided I had enough. We signed AMA and went home. At 3am and 5am, I crapped out what was left in my system. I've eaten a little bit but my stomach has been churning all day still.

Looking back, it felt like my worst drunken experience but even worse. Lost memory, vomiting, falling over, whatever, but I just didn't drink that much. I would have had to be shotgunning one drink after another while I was there. There was a huge liqour spread with an ice luge for shots, of which I didn't participate at all. The guys next to use were doing beer bongs, I didn't touch it (never done those, actually). It's just so out of sync. But, I'm sure to all the witnesses, they thought I was just some blithering drunk, and I really hate that.

alright, do your worst......
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Old 12-03-2006, 07:55 PM   #2
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Roofies FTL
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Old 12-03-2006, 07:57 PM   #3
Brad Pittiful
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glad it wasnt something really bad cause it read like it
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Old 12-03-2006, 07:58 PM   #4
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That's way too fast for food poisoning. Either you drank much more than you thought*, had a reaction to something, or got drugged.

Sucks though, I hate when people assume that you're drunk.

*just re-read 3 beers AND 3 mixed drinks. Big, strong, mixed drinks perchance?
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:00 PM   #5
rice h8r
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wow that's crazy.
are you famous or something? why is your title ... I was the drunk guy at Army/Navy? sounds like it was shown on tv and now you're admitting it.
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:03 PM   #6
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Did you make those three mixed drinks, or did someone make them for you and bring them to you?

definately sounds like you were drugged....ore REALLY f'ing drunk
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:06 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by java04rexracr View Post
Roofies FTL
That sounds like the best explanation, but I don't think my drink was ever out of my control.

The mixed drinks were in SOLO cups, but I wouldn't have said there was a ridiculous amount of alcohol in each. Contained quite a bit of ice and mixer, but here's another guess. Among those three (btw, I'm not sure I even finised the third), the mixer was Red Bull, and probably two cans total. I've never mixed with that stuff before - how jacked up is that stuff? Could it really have done all that? The fact is, it was definitely something I ate, too, as my friend spent 15 hrs today with the ishts. I dunno, I just want it to be over and hope it's not actually some ongoing condition.....
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by rice h8r View Post
wow that's crazy.
are you famous or something? why is your title ... I was the drunk guy at Army/Navy? sounds like it was shown on tv and now you're admitting it.
I only put it that way b/c I'm sure somewhere, someone is saying "man, i saw this really drunk guy at the game..." Shoot, I hope it didn't make some news story somewhere.....
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:10 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by 2pt5RS View Post
Did you make those three mixed drinks, or did someone make them for you and bring them to you?

definately sounds like you were drugged....ore REALLY f'ing drunk
I made them all and don't think I ever put them down. I'm no teetotaller, but I'm no drunk, either. I had a couple really crazy episodes in college and I can admit it was because I drank a very unreasonable amount. I did not have that kind of volume to drink yesterday. Thing is, the only reason I can think someone drugged me was just for the fun of it. My friends - thank god - were always with me, so it's not like someone could have taken advantage of me in some way. But, just as it was an early post here, it entered my mind early on, too, and I can't quite kick the feeling it may be true.
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:12 PM   #10
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lol, been that guy before... a few times

I was at the Flyers game last night and saw the aftermath of it. My friend was there too, said it was cool.

Hopefully you didnt get in trouble man, just 3 weeks ago I had to spend the night in West Chester jail for being "too drunk to walk" I was indeed drunk but not annihilated... I was on my way home with a large pizza after a great night but the cops had to ruin it...arg

here is a write up of the day...lol
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:25 PM   #11
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crikey, I'd be flipping if anything legal happened. One more reason to be thankful, but I'm going to be really gunshy with any drinking, let alone in public.
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Old 12-04-2006, 04:56 AM   #12
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anytime i mix redbull with alcohol it MESSES me up. not in the drunk sense, but i feel terrible.
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Old 12-04-2006, 05:02 AM   #13
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you were vomiting AND crapping everywhere?

like crappy in teh pants?

ill ask a couple friends if they saw you. I know a couple guys who go to westpoint.
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Old 12-04-2006, 05:06 AM   #14
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hey....kind of sounds like me at the Marine Corps ball in Portugal!!

well I guess I wasn't as bad off as you were......I was just really drunk and got a little sick....none of that crazy crapping the pants stuff though...
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Old 12-04-2006, 06:10 AM   #15
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my brother was there...hes at Naval Academy
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:18 AM   #16
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just got back from my primary doc appt - her guess is "staph aureus" food poisoning. She said it has a very fast onset and has the potential to have a several central nervous system effect as well. I'm on Cipro to clean out any potential remains of the bacteria. My friend has tallied SIX other people who have had symptoms.

Oh, I avoided actually crapping my pants, but that saved about one ounce of dignity after losing forty pounds of it. I basically laid in my own vomit. Ugh, I never did that on my worst college day, and I didn't have many "worst college days."

Just talked to my other friend - he said I was in a stall for like 90 minutes (seemed like maybe 15 to me) and in the first aid room in the stadium for an hour-plus as well (don't even remember that time period). This is all very disconcerting. I'm inclined to take the blame for drinking too much but, then again, I feel like there's no WAY alcohol did this. However, I'm the only one who had vomiting and the memory gaps, etc.... On one hand, I'm glad no one (like a coworker) saw me; OTOH, someone who knows me would be more inclined to know I'm not like that, I feel worse that some random person saw me and thinks I'm just some stupid, bumbling, passed-out drunk.
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:23 AM   #17
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the navy makes me feel like that sometimes to
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:25 AM   #18
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vtecTHIS ur at academy? or just in...?
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:28 AM   #19
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lowly enlisted .... 5yrs active, 1 yr out,1 yr active reserve, now i'm back on active duty in SD on my 3rd ship in row i like it just fine, but sometimes it's retarded(like any job)
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:31 AM   #20
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trust me i know. just got out of USMC after 4 years in june. brother is senior at academy thats why i asked.
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:32 AM   #21
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For some reason i saw the title as, "I was the drunk guy in the army."

I was like, There was only ONE of us???
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