Originally Posted by Achilles38WRX
I have to agree with Jon. I like the idea of having a non-subaru forum, its a better idea than a gigantic thread.
I'm not liking the "Related:" threads in both the regular Subaru and Non-Subaru forums. It will make specific things harder to find. I think we should get rid of the "Related:" threads and simplify, just have two forums, one for Subarus, one for everything else.
I'll leave the non-Subaru section out of my comments as I don't frequent that area.
I browse the News and Rumors forum a few times a week, and I think now it'll be very difficult to find information about any given Subaru model given the "[model] Related:" thread layout. Search won't help much unless one knows the exact news story they're searching for, and even then, they'll have to trudge through the entire thread to find the highlighted words.
If you're going to split out the models, I think you've got to go further to make it usable, e.g. grouped by model year or chassis code, which would require quite a bit of moderation and create an unmanageable number of threads. In other words, the models shouldn't be limited to one thread each; from a user's standpoint, rumors about the 2007 Impreza deserve a separate thread from 2005 Impreza safety research.
In all my time on this board, I've never seen more than 20 threads posted in during any given 7-day period in the News and Rumors forum. Perhaps that is due to heavy moderation, and obviously there is a need for single threads relating to "what my dealer said" and merging threads regarding the exact same news item, but one thread per model is just too broad a grouping.