My first impression is that you have to wade through a bit of WRX info before you find the STi specific information. (Although this also happened in the old STi forum.... too many people posting irrelevant WRX info in response to STi issues).
Please don't misinterpret this as the usual elitist BS, I own both a WRX and a STi and appreciate them both for their strengths.
But when I want to read about braking issues, I don't want to have to ponder whether the poster is talking about the WRX or the STi.
The engine forums are pretty clear for now, but once the legacy/baja 2.5LT is common, the issues for it vs the higher power motor might confuse the discussion.
Perhaps we might be happier with forums (fora?) that are specific when the car is... brakes, suspension, engine, tranny, differentials. Even racing issues belong in different catagories since they race in different classes and the setup issues are VERY different.
As far as the engine stuff being broken up, I think it makes a LOT of sense, as that's the real distinction that matters. There are going to be some topics that can live on in either one, of course ("which BOV should I buy" ) but overall I like it, and this should allow the STi folk to have their we-have-AVCS-and-you-don't forum
im sorry you feel that way, but your description of me is so far from the truth, its immeasurable.
Have some of my comments been harsh? Yes, but only when deserved, and I never take away from any meaningful discussion. You dont walk in mod shoes so yo have no idea what its like to do what mods do. You cant always be the nice guy.
Please stay on topic guys, this thread is for short feedback about the new forum layout.
The new forum menu looks great. I especially like the "details" written in red - a nice, easily understandable touch. Keep up the good work and let's get back to posting and reading problems, concerns, and breakthroughs about Subaru's, instead of posting snide remarks to one another. Keep it clean and keep it informative! Take Care Everyone!!!