Originally Posted by mtwilson81
im no scientist myself but you can make a grounding kit for lots cheaper than ur kit cost. anyway, all you need to do is disconnect your neg. terminal on the batt. From there attach the links (I assume the kit is a bunch of links with eyeloop ends); attach systematically from your alternator to each head and anywhere else you can see a engine sensor. the closer to the sensors, the more effective(I have attachments all over the place). you attach end to end daisy chain style with those storebought kits. they work just fine but kinda tangle up your engine when you go to clean it. I have a single wire with a bunch of splices coming out directly to my grounding points. that way there is still wires around but they are tucked in and minimal. both are equally effective in terms of conduction.
Just attch end to end and back to the neg. terminal of your battery. pretty easy stuff, and effective too(though some may argue). Cleaned up my idle and made an all around smoother ride when shifting and in low gears especially. good cheap mod.
I'm lazy plus it's a good kit and relatively cheap. I got directions, but it would be helpful to see it installed on the same engine.