I have a 95 L with manual locks and windows. has anyone ever added power windows and locks to a car not equiped with them? does the harness have conecters to plug into? i know there are not any wires prewired in the doors for them. how much of a hastle will this be?
I've done this, though not on my Subaru (did it on my focus).
If you are interested in the writeup I can send it to you.
06-01-2005 12:19 PM by
A factory set-up uses a big harness spread out on the floor, under the carpet, that was not installed on 1995 models sold in US, except maybe for some late-'95 two-doors. There's no wiring in the doors as well. If you wanted to do it, I'd suggest going to a salvage yard, with a wiring diagram.