Buyers AND sellers:
We see disputes and problems arise almost every day over used parts, and MANY of them could have been avoided with GOOD pictures posted in the thread at the very start.
Used parts that are damaged, worn, or not as advertised (fake or just plain different).
Sellers should post good, well-lit pictures from every important angle, front and back, of any part they're selling. You can post images for free using NASIOC's own Image Hosting at
BUYERS should look carefully at these pictures and ask questions or ask to see a shot from a certain angle BEFORE sending money. Sellers should please accommodate such requests politely. If a seller has NOT posted pictures, buyers should HIGHLY consider not buying the parts, no matter HOW good the seller feedback is.
If a dispute is brought to our attention and the seller did NOT include pictures at the start of the thread (and the buyer DOES provide pictures outlining their complaint) we are almost certain to side with the buyer!
Also, the iTrader feedback system is not to be used to get revenge on other members for leaving you negative feedback. When BOTH users leave each other negative feedback, it often gets reported and usually, one of those feedback ratings gets DELETED. If it went sideways and you got negative, consider leaving NO feedback for the other party rather than trying to redeem your honor.