I have been searching and searching but still cant find all of the info i need. It have a good grip on the transmission/drivetrain options and issues. When it comes to the motor i understand it will pretty much bolt right in but what i am still not so sure on is the wiring.
I see a lot of people use the WRX wiring, intake manifold, throttle body, and ecu. There are a few things i dont like about doing that but it seems maybe its the best way.
What i was wondering is if you could use all of the STi parts including the ECU and wiring harness to essentially have a complete stock STi powertrain but in a WRX chassis. Then you could take advantage of the STi valve control system too. I am sure there is a reason people aren't doing it this way but i cant seem to find it. I bet the info is already here but i am having one hell of a time finding it.
If anyone could explain, or better yet, post up a link that would be great.