[Attempt Number two of posting this novel]
Thanks for all of the replies everyone. This a good discussion and critical information for the beginning of the club is being established.
Here is my take on the matter
Everyone is getting hung up on the word Mandatory. We tried to establish loose enough attendance rules to make it easy for everyone. Auto-X, Rally-X, Drag Racing, BBQs, etc could all be considered events. There is an Auto-X every month, we will hit the drag races a few times a year, Bill is organizing several more Rally-X.
I am hoping we would have a meeting every month in addition to the events. Meetings could be BBQ***8217;s, Tempe Town Lake Meets, etc. Anywhere we can sit down for the 30-60 minutes it takes to discuss club business and then we can use the rest of the time for fellowship.
We have had 2 meets within the last month and quite a few of us have attended one or both of them.
I know I wouldn***8217;t pay dues to a club and then not attend the events, meetings, etc. I don***8217;t oppose getting rid of the word ***8220;mandatory***8221; since some of us are having a problem with that part. I just don***8217;t want to hear people who never show up to anything, complain about how the direction of the club.
We should move our location frequently to try and ease the burden of attending meets/events. Auto-X is held at Firebird which is close for the Gilbert, Tempe, Mesa, etc. folk. Prescott Forest Rally would be easy to attend for the Northerners. I would like to have another meet or two in Prescott, maybe during the summer to escape the valley heat. A Tucson meet isn***8217;t out of the question if we can get an interested group to make the drive down. BBQs could be at any park or members house, so they could be anywhere.
[Structure and Rules]
HAVE to establish a structure if we want to build a strong club. Bill has been kind enough to give our club huge opportunity to showcase ourselves in front of the rest of AZ, and the US during the Prescott Forest Rally. If we get organized we can make the most of that opportunity, if not it will be a pathetic display.
I feel we need to have a core set of rules, or call it a code of conduct (if rules is to restrictive) for members. This is necessary to protect the club and the other members. If we don***8217;t have rules we can***8217;t prevent less then desirable members from giving our club a bad name through their actions, or words. I feel that before a member pays their dues, a copy of the ***8220;rules***8221; should be given to them, if they feel they can abide by them they pay their dues. The paying of dues will be considered acceptance of the minimum code of conduct we would like to see from the members.
I think caravans are really good free advertising. If people see 3 or more of the same type of car driving down the road in line, they take notice. Due to the heightened awareness of other motorists, our actions are magnified. If we are street racing, weaving in and out of traffic, etc. we will give the club a bad image in the eyes of others. We should take car to represent the club in the best possible light in these types of situations. I realize that caravans aren***8217;t always practical due to schedule conflicts, but whenever possible we should take advantage of the free advertising they provide.
I don***8217;t think stickers are mandatory on member vehicles. I hope members have enough respect for the club and each other where they want to put some affiliation with the club in a visible location. Whether it be a sticker, license plate frame, whatever. I know that some of you aren***8217;t into stickers, so we should try to come up with another way we can identify other club members visibly.
During the infancy of this club the work will outweigh the rewards (other than fellowship) that the club can offer. Those who get in now will need to work hard to grow the club, and establish the business, and personal relationships that will make club membership extra rewarding. Once relationships with the dealerships, SOA, and local companies have been established it will be easier to recruit members, and more relationships.
[Personal Feelings]
I consider ALL of you my friends and therefore would be willing to help you out whenever I can. I enjoy hanging out with all of you, it is nice to find people with similar interests. I don***8217;t care if it is just a few of us drink a refreshing beverage or 10
or 15+ of us sweating our collective asses of talking Subaru.
Here is a personal story that just happened to me that shows what I would LOVE to see form all members towards other members. As I was leaving Danny***8217;s BBQ (23:30) I noticed my car was losing oil FAST. I was leaving a trail and lost 2 quarts in less than a mile. At the BBQ Byron, Danny, Kastle, and Nick Dickett all noticed as well. Byron drove to see how far the trail went, Danny ran and grabbed some oil from his garage, while kastle was calling my cell phone. Kastle and Nick Dickett met me about a mile down the road and help me investigate, we put more oil in and determined the car would never make it home under its own power. We waited for the tow vehicle (my father***8217;s F-150). Kastle and Nick Dickett followed me and the tow vehicle all the way with their hazards on to make sure we made it to my house ok. After arriving at my house, after 01:00 AM, they helped me push the car, find and repair the problem (the turbo return line had worked itself loose and was leaking REALLY bad). It was well after 02:00 AM when they left. This show of support and friendship really meant a lot to me. To see the others sacrifice their time to make sure Christine, myself, and the car were ok is VERY encouraging.
We CAN and WILL build something special here! We just need to understand that all of the members are working towards a common goal, and we need to sacrifice a bit of ourselves to assist the other members in their time of need and to create the ***8220;community***8221; that other clubs enjoy. It may be difficult but I see the core people are here to get the club headed in the right direction.
Well I hope that all makes sense, as this is the second time I have written it, damn UBB.
[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: AaronB ]