Hello everyone! haven't been here for a while since things happened and I had to deal with family crap. I'm back to the rebuild of my ej253 in the 09 2.5i and I can't remember since it has been years since I did anything major on it. I have the heads bolted on, all the new pulleys, water pump, etc etc. As I'm snaking the timing belt around, the crank mark lined up stright vertical as it should be, the passenger side camshaft lined up vertically with the cylinder head base and it is pretty loose and free spinning in either direction. Now here is where I am having the brain fog, maybe it was the covid who knows, but lining up the drivers side mark with the timing cover (new timing covers all around as well) the cam seems to be under a lot of tension, as though the cam lobes are depressing the valves down into the cylinder, I think #2 intake but not positive. Is this supposed to be the way it is? literally has been maybe 8 years since I did the timing belt last, the timing marks line up and everything but to save my ass I cannot recall last time if the drivers side cam was under tension like this. Thank you in advance for any insight and assistance that can be given, it is much appreciated.