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Old 01-04-2006, 01:04 PM   #26
Techno Sapien
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Old 01-07-2006, 04:24 PM   #27
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Just did mine and sure enough, both filters were down in the banjo bolt hole. Thanks for the thread, Peaty. She is idling much smoother now.
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Old 01-07-2006, 06:34 PM   #28
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Just did mine...yup, both had fallen out. Real easy took about 20 min.

IMPORTANT TOOL: 3 prong grabber that comes in those computer toolkits for picking up fallen screws in hard to reach areas.

This tool makes it take only 1 second to grab the fallen filter and get it out w/o worrying about it falling.

Peaty the tool is found in this Basic Computer maintenance tool kit (the yellow one 3rd from the left):


Not sure the name of the tool...think it is the "parts retrieval claw".
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Old 01-07-2006, 11:50 PM   #29
Techno Sapien
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I have a pair of hemostats I used from my Tox. days I also have one of thos small 3 pronged grabbers too in my PC kit.
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Old 01-08-2006, 11:02 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Jfrankon
That's true, Peaty. Taking you initial advise, I poked around with the needle nose pliers until I "felt" them and then grasped and pulled. With my naked eyes (don't have great vision) I could NOT see them at all in the banjo (but sure enough they were both in there!)

Moral of this story: Search and you shall find
I went filter fishing this morning - but I didn't catch anything.

I started with the passenger side. Once the bolt was out - I took a look. Very little oil was inside of the banjo - and I could see all the way down into the bolt. I didn't see any filter. I used a small 2mm allen wrench to fish around - but didn't feel or see anything.

The drivers side had a pool of oil inside the bolt. I fished around with my allen wrench - but also did not feel or find anything.
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Old 01-10-2006, 12:34 PM   #31
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How far in were you able to insert the allen wrench into the bolt? IIRC, the filter should inhibit you from pobing too deep.. so if you stick the wrench in the bolt, you should be able to hit the top of the filter pretty quickly. The hard part is finding the edges of the filter and bolt (where the side of the bolt ends and the side of the filter begins). This is where you need to insert your wrench and pull up the filter. Perhaps 2mm is too big to seperate the filter from the wall of the bolt??
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Old 01-10-2006, 01:36 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by capecod_wrx
I went filter fishing this morning - but I didn't catch anything.

I started with the passenger side. Once the bolt was out - I took a look. Very little oil was inside of the banjo - and I could see all the way down into the bolt. I didn't see any filter. I used a small 2mm allen wrench to fish around - but didn't feel or see anything.

The drivers side had a pool of oil inside the bolt. I fished around with my allen wrench - but also did not feel or find anything.
That is b/c the filters had dropped down inside...all you will see is a flat, round black top of the filter...this is where I used the 3 prong "Parts retrieval claw" from my egghead computer tool kit. I am sure your filters are still in there which is impeding the oil flow.

Last edited by SirWilliam; 01-10-2006 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 01-10-2006, 01:53 PM   #33
Techno Sapien
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It's very likely the filter is not in the union bolt but in the banjo bolt spot down on the motor, it's tricky to see:

It gets forced out:

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Old 01-10-2006, 02:39 PM   #34
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thanks for the replies guys... i will take another look this weekend and will post an update - with some pictures if they come out.

i could see well inside the banjo on the passenger side. (there was very little oil in there...) jfrankton - my allen key could go all the way down inside of the banjo and bottom out. i didn't see any black plastic.

now on the other side - there was more oil. it was all pooled up - so i really couldn't see anything. i tried fishing with the allen key - but really didn't poke around that much because i was afraid i could damage the filter screen and then not be able to remove it.

by the looks of peaty's pictures - i take it you use the needle nose, (or 3-prong) , to grab the top of the filter - which is made of plastic. is the diameter of the filter just slightly smaller than the banjo?

thanks again guys.
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Old 01-10-2006, 02:48 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by capecod_wrx
thanks for the replies guys... i will take another look this weekend and will post an update - with some pictures if they come out.

i could see well inside the banjo on the passenger side. (there was very little oil in there...) jfrankton - my allen key could go all the way down inside of the banjo and bottom out. i didn't see any black plastic.

now on the other side - there was more oil. it was all pooled up - so i really couldn't see anything. i tried fishing with the allen key - but really didn't poke around that much because i was afraid i could damage the filter screen and then not be able to remove it.

by the looks of peaty's pictures - i take it you use the needle nose, (or 3-prong) , to grab the top of the filter - which is made of plastic. is the diameter of the filter just slightly smaller than the banjo?

thanks again guys.
I would suggest using the 3 prong b/c the pliers has the ability to scrape some of the plastic/metal off as you try to grab it...and the 3 prong just works better/easier.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 01-10-2006, 06:09 PM   #36
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I had good luck using this pair of thin needle nose pliers and a small flashlight.

BTW, Thanks Peaty.
Both of my filters had dropped and idling has now improved.
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Old 01-23-2006, 07:21 AM   #37
zhe wiz
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Default One Dropped, One Didn't

I changed the oil in my 32,000 mile '04 XT yesterday and decided to yank the filters while I had the hood open. The passenger side filter actually had NOT dropped out, until I pried it out that is. It was in there pretty good and wasn't easy to extract.

The driver's side had fallen out and was much easier to remove. Both filters were in excellent condition, fortunately.

Jack Z
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Old 01-26-2006, 12:47 PM   #38
s. tyrone
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Originally Posted by SuperRuWRX
I had good luck using this pair of thin needle nose pliers and a small flashlight.

BTW, Thanks Peaty.
Both of my filters had dropped and idling has now improved.
Hey Richard, any chance we could talk about this, I'm a little fuzzy from the post. Please PM me if you would. Best, Stephen
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Old 01-30-2006, 01:38 PM   #39
ez bturbo
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I dont have rough idle (although I may not be able to judge that well since I also drive a pair of modified camaros that both idle really rough), but I do have severe hesitation and, well see this post:
I will do this, but would that actually be a likely cause of my problem?
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Old 02-03-2006, 03:52 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by ez bturbo
I dont have rough idle (although I may not be able to judge that well since I also drive a pair of modified camaros that both idle really rough), but I do have severe hesitation and, well see this post:
I will do this, but would that actually be a likely cause of my problem?
That sounds a bit like what I'm experiencing with my FXT. It's been really.... slow... lately. I don't have a boost gauge, but it seems to be lacking boost. The rough idle is a random, yet frequent, occurance. I noticed it, but dismissed it, because it didn't feel or sound bad. My engine started to suffer at about 25k and now seems to really be suffering at 33k. I'll be pulling those things out this weekend!!! We'll see what it does.
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Old 02-03-2006, 10:12 AM   #41
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If you haven't already done it, changing your spark plugs might help as well.
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Old 02-03-2006, 10:26 AM   #42
ez bturbo
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sparkplugs were changed 3k miles ago, didnt fix the problem.
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Old 02-03-2006, 03:57 PM   #43
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I did mine during the Christmas break - both have dropped.
What other model cars/year have these filters? I know a few suby owners who don't surf the forums and I would like to inform them if it applies to their motor.
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Old 02-03-2006, 04:45 PM   #44
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All MY04 2.5L turbo engines (STi, FXT, Baja).
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Old 02-03-2006, 05:06 PM   #45
Techno Sapien
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and some 05's
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Old 02-05-2006, 10:56 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Jfrankon

How far in were you able to insert the allen wrench into the bolt? IIRC, the filter should inhibit you from pobing too deep.. so if you stick the wrench in the bolt, you should be able to hit the top of the filter pretty quickly.
I tried again this morning...and tried the driver's side first. This time there was very little oil visible. Again - I could see all the way down into the inside where the bolt goes. I used my allen key for starters to see if I could 'feel' the top of the filter. I felt nothing - and was able to put the key all the way down inside.

I put my finger on top of the banjo against the allen key to measure how far down the key went.

Originally Posted by SirWilliam
That is b/c the filters had dropped down inside...all you will see is a flat, round black top of the filter...
I was expecting to hit the top of the filter. Is it possible that my FXT never got these filters?

Last edited by capecod_wrx; 02-06-2006 at 09:37 AM.
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Old 02-05-2006, 11:36 AM   #47
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Excuse this stupid question - Did you check the banjo bolt? Yours might not have dropped yet.
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Old 02-05-2006, 11:41 AM   #48
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That was the first thing I checked - on both sides... No filters were there either.
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Old 02-05-2006, 12:35 PM   #49
Techno Sapien
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If you went in that far I don't think you had them, mine were right up by the top of the hole. Since your car is running well I don't think they are in the system anywhere.
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Old 02-05-2006, 12:54 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by rim3
That sounds a bit like what I'm experiencing with my FXT. It's been really.... slow... lately. I don't have a boost gauge, but it seems to be lacking boost. The rough idle is a random, yet frequent, occurance. I noticed it, but dismissed it, because it didn't feel or sound bad. My engine started to suffer at about 25k and now seems to really be suffering at 33k. I'll be pulling those things out this weekend!!! We'll see what it does.

Mine was done about 2 weeks ago and the idle still has the Suby shake but it is not as viloent.

And at 33k just let the dealer do it. You are still under warranty.
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