Can UTEC run an 06 sti engine in my 02 wrx w/ AVCS?
OK probably noobish question but I am unfamiliar with the UTEC. I have a 02 wrx and have a 06 sti engine, with the AVCS. The car has the wrx minifold and tb, so its cable driven. There is a guy on here that wants to sell me a UTEC. He says it has the sti conversion. Is there a paticular UTEC that can run my setup?
Looks like this want work. The guy who had the UTEC for sell said one of his tuning buddies in Tenn said I would still have to run the Hydra for the AVCS.
OK now I the guy says he thinks it will work...I have no idea. Any help with this from persons in the know.
The UTEC cannot run AVCS, nor can the 02 WRX ECU.
You can use the UTEC to tune your car with the STI engine if you are using the WRX cam sensors. If you are using the STI cam sensors then no, the UTEC cannot be used. nor can your 02 WRX ECU.