Ok everyone, we finally got our own regional Private Classifieds to go with the Vendor one. The rules for posting in them are basically the same as previously stated for the general regional forum, as follows-
- All regional FS/FT/WTB posts must now go in the Tri-State Private Classifieds. All existing threads will be moved and any new ones must be in this forum. Such threads posted in the general Tri-State will be moved or deleted at moderator discretion.
- Only ACTIVE Tri-State members may post in the regional classifieds section. If you don't post in the regional threads, don't post in the regional classifieds. If you have just joined NASIOC and have not established a post history in Tri-State (posting in the classifieds doesn't count) you may not use this section, please use the general NASIOC classifieds.
- Each member may have only ONE FS/FT/WTB thread open at any given time. This is to help reduce the clutter in our very busy forum. Please combine all your items and requests into a single thread, or use the General Private Classifieds for additional items. Multiple threads will be either closed or moved at the discretion of the moderators. You must be a tri-state member meaning that you actively post in the tri-state, you can't just come in here and post up a FS thread, it's a courtesy for active tri-state members. And, you can only post your own personal property for sale.
- The subject line of such threads must be fully descriptive. The proper format would be "FS:", "FT:", "WTB:" etc. followed by the items in question and preferably including a location (NNJ, NYC, PA etc). This will help you get responses to your post as well as help people avoid wasting time reading threads they have no interest in. Improperly titled threads are subject to editing or locking/deletion by the moderators depending on what kind of mood we are in at the time.
- Since crossposting of any kind is against the NASIOC rules, technically it is not permitted to post the same FS items in both the general classifieds and the regional forums. However as a courtesy to those members who have been contributing to the forums on a regular basis, we do allow such posts on occasion. It is entirely up to the moderators as to whether FS crossposts are allowed to remain here or if they get locked, deleted or moved. Please do not make such posts in Tri-State if you have just signed up or have not been active in this forum, if you do so you can expect your post to be removed.
- ONE bump per day except to add information or to respond to other posts.
- Vendors may NOT post in this forum.
-All Engine, Transmission and Car Forsales MUST have the VIN # included.
-Links to outside classifieds (Craigslist, Ebay etc) or forums are not permitted. All info/pics should be posted here.
- Any questions regarding the above can be directed to myself or the other Tri-State moderators.