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Old 01-16-2023, 10:45 AM   #101
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New Limited Release: Burundi Ngozi Bahire Double Washed!

Everyone loves Ethiopias and Kenyas, but origins like the Congo and Burundi don't get as much love, which is a shame, because they are just as capable of providing amazing coffee. This coffee is grown by a micro-group of producers under the guidance of JNP Coffees, which provides economic and empowerment programs, and ensures growers get paid far above market value for good micro-lots. This coffee is meticulously processed, and silky body delivers notes of caramel, cashew butter, juicy mandarin, apricot, and bergamot.
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Old 02-06-2023, 10:18 AM   #102
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This coffee is from a two year old regional association, in a lesser known region of Peru. Farmers in this area were out-muscled by predatory local buyers, and were not allowed direct market access. With the help of the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development, Cafe Origines was born. Café Orígenes invests in farmer soil fertility and farm resistance to disease, conducts quality control and lot building to maximize differentiation for farmers, and offers full price transparency to their buyers, and paying a premium to the farmer, Ermitaño Huillca Quispe.

Peruvian coffees tend to be full bodied and chocolatey, but typically not a whole lot else. This coffee is far beyond that: more caramel than chocolate, it's still full-bodied, but decadently sweet, with peach, raspberry, and citrus lime and orange notes, and buttery, toffy-like notes pervasive throughout. Makes a bangin espresso, if dialed in carefully, as well as immensely satisfying drip.
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Old 02-06-2023, 10:19 AM   #103
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New Limited Release: Peru Farmgate Mendosayoc Ermitaño Huillca Quispe Raised Bed Washed!

This coffee is from a two year old regional association, in a lesser known region of Peru. Farmers in this area were out-muscled by predatory local buyers, and were not allowed direct market access. With the help of the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development, Cafe Origines was born. Café Orígenes invests in farmer soil fertility and farm resistance to disease, conducts quality control and lot building to maximize differentiation for farmers, and offers full price transparency to their buyers, and paying a premium to the farmer, Ermitaño Huillca Quispe.

Peruvian coffees tend to be full bodied and chocolatey, but typically not a whole lot else. This coffee is far beyond that: more caramel than chocolate, it's still full-bodied, but decadently sweet, with peach, raspberry, and citrus lime and orange notes, and buttery, toffy-like notes pervasive throughout. Makes a bangin espresso, if dialed in carefully, as well as immensely satisfying drip.

Last edited by westcoastroasting; 02-06-2023 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 02-24-2023, 10:45 AM   #104
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New Limited Release Colombia Huila Terra Verde Double Fermented Chiroso!

This is a notable coffee on several counts: it's from a very small group of producers focused on bringing amazing microlots to market; it's a unique varietal; and it's uniquely processed. The Terra Verde group is comprised of 120 growers in the Huila region, and they're striving to increase profits for their members, including family members of growers who, many times, work unpaid. This coffee is the 'Chiroso' cultivar, which, like the Gesha cultivar, is directly linked to the original wild Ethiopia lineage, not the most common Latin Caturra or Bourbon lineages, and beans have visual Ethiopia 'Longberry' characteristics. The coffee comes from 12 of the 120 Terra Verde producers, who allow bagged whole cherries to ferment for 36-48 hours, after which the cherries are depulped and fermented in dry open tanks for 30-50 more hours, then laid out for patio drying.

This coffee has the classic, massive chocolate syrup, cherry, and lemon zest notes of most good Huilas, but the Chiroso cultivar adds many layers of complexity: caramel hazelnut sweetness merges with spiced apple pie, cinnamon and clove, stewed stone fruit, and black Assam tea.
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Old 03-14-2023, 10:40 AM   #105
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Every country has a stereotypical flavor profile it's known for; Brazil's is chocolatey, nutty coffees. Of course, every country has a wild array of flavors outside of the sterotype, and this one is, well....other-worldly, and it's baked right into the name! This is from an area famous for UFO sightings, and the producer wanted to do something fun with coffee to highlight that history, including cool artwork for the coffee and bags (you can see the thumbnail if you hit the arrow).

This coffee is fermented anaerobically for 72 hours with Selvatech yeast, which raises cupping scores significantly, after which the coffee is laid out for sun-drying. Vibrant fruitiness is the over-arching theme, and while it has cacao, hazelnut, and marzipan, Bing Cherry and Concord grape notes quickly assert themselves, with jammy sweetness and buttery body reminiscent of a cherry hand pie, and vanille creme on top.
This one is fun. Really good, too!
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Old 03-14-2023, 10:40 AM   #106
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Every country has a stereotypical flavor profile it's known for; Brazil's is chocolatey, nutty coffees. Of course, every country has a wild array of flavors outside of the sterotype, and this one is, well....other-worldly, and it's baked right into the name! This is from an area famous for UFO sightings, and the producer wanted to do something fun with coffee to highlight that history, including cool artwork for the coffee and bags (you can see the thumbnail if you hit the arrow).

This coffee is fermented anaerobically for 72 hours with Selvatech yeast, which raises cupping scores significantly, after which the coffee is laid out for sun-drying. Vibrant fruitiness is the over-arching theme, and while it has cacao, hazelnut, and marzipan, Bing Cherry and Concord grape notes quickly assert themselves, with jammy sweetness and buttery body reminiscent of a cherry hand pie, and vanille creme on top.
This one is fun. Really good, too!
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Old 04-17-2023, 12:32 PM   #107
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New Rwanda Mahembe Murundo Raised Bed Washed!

Murundo washing station, operated by Kivubelt, is uniquely situated on the East African Rift, which means surrounding farmers are ideally situated in the cool, humid climates of both Lake Kivu and Nyungwe Forest National Park, with volcanic seepage enriching the surrounding soil, which all conspires to create rich, jammy coffees.

When I read the tasting notes for this coffee of salted caramel, lemongrass, and sweet ripe apricot, I knew I'd have to try it. With both tea-like and citrus high notes, and molasses/fudge depth, this coffee encompasses a wide range of flavors, with strawberry-lime, blackberry, and sweet apricot balanced by stewed raisin, molasses, and that deep fudge. Great as pourover and drip, but it should be a wild ride as espresso as well.
This will arrive in time for roasting later this week.

Last edited by poison; 04-20-2023 at 10:04 AM.
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Old 04-28-2023, 04:40 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by poison View Post

This will arrive in time for roasting later this week.
Here's a review on this stuff from a couple hours ago:


Overall, this coffee is intensely sweet, thick and syrupy, and kaleidoscopic in its range of chocolatey and candylike flavors. I would say that this is is one of my favorite coffees of 2023 so far.
Literally a couple hours before, I marked it down by $4/lb, because it's just not selling (due to unfamiliarity with the origin). So, jump on it while it's -$4/lb!
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Old 05-19-2023, 05:34 PM   #109
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New Burundi Ngozi Turihamwe Turashobora Raised Bed Washed!

This isn't the first Limited Release I've supplied from JNP Coffee and its founder its founder Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian, and I'm sure it won't be the last. JNP's core principles are female empowerment and fair compensation, along with, of course, implementing top tier growing and processing practices, ensuring world class beans with fair and equitable impact. Turihamwe Turashobora is a women-owned group managed under JNP, that pooled resources and started their own wet-mill; Turihamwe Turashobora means 'Together We Can!, and suffice it to say, with this coffee....they absolutely did.

Processing at the new wet-mill is extremely detailed and among the best in Burundi, involving extremely minimal fermentation, and unique Burundi-style 'pyramid-drying' (vs the patio or raised-bed drying common everywhere else), with the result being an extremely clean, bright, delicate coffee. One of the first notes to pop is ripe orange, with loads of citrus influence, though of the 'sweet and juicy' type, not 'lemon/sour'; peach, mango, and blackberry are also present, with Earl Grey bergamot notes, orange zest, and baking spice, anchored by chocolate caramel notes and thick mouthfeel.
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Old 05-19-2023, 05:34 PM   #110
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New Burundi Ngozi Turihamwe Turashobora Raised Bed Washed!

This isn't the first Limited Release I've supplied from JNP Coffee and its founder its founder Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian, and I'm sure it won't be the last. JNP's core principles are female empowerment and fair compensation, along with, of course, implementing top tier growing and processing practices, ensuring world class beans with fair and equitable impact. Turihamwe Turashobora is a women-owned group managed under JNP, that pooled resources and started their own wet-mill; Turihamwe Turashobora means 'Together We Can!, and suffice it to say, with this coffee....they absolutely did.

Processing at the new wet-mill is extremely detailed and among the best in Burundi, involving extremely minimal fermentation, and unique Burundi-style 'pyramid-drying' (vs the patio or raised-bed drying common everywhere else), with the result being an extremely clean, bright, delicate coffee. One of the first notes to pop is ripe orange, with loads of citrus influence, though of the 'sweet and juicy' type, not 'lemon/sour'; peach, mango, and blackberry are also present, with Earl Grey bergamot notes, orange zest, and baking spice, anchored by chocolate caramel notes and thick mouthfeel.
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Old 08-21-2023, 11:20 AM   #111
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WE ARE BACK! If you haven't seen our email updates, we finally got moved in, set up, and last week over 4 roast days we roasted and shipped all order placed over the down time. WE have several new coffees, as well, including the following:

Tanzania RFA Karatu Vohora Family Natural!

Tanzania is one of the great African coffee-growing countries, and this coffee hails from the Ngorongoro crater, a stunningly idyllic spot. Not only is this coffee an original Ethiopian heirloom varietal, but it's naturally processed, and Rainforest Alliance Certified, which is not surprising when you consider the setting, near wildlife conservation areas where zebras, prides of lions, hippos, and black rhinos roam, alongside a population of Maasai. The farm has corridors of native forest set up to allow free flow of the wildlife through the plantation, and it's fair;y common to find damage to the coffee trees from them.

This coffee expertly highlights terroir, cultivar, and processing method in equal, balanced measure. Brown sugar sweetness supports juicy pineapple, nectarine, and purple grape fruitiness, with delicate cherry blossom and rose-like floral notes rounding out the cup. This will work well with any brew method, but should be fun for pourover fanatics, and make for an exciting espresso!
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Old 09-15-2023, 10:38 AM   #112
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New Kenya Nyeri Rumukia Double Washed Peaberry!

This coffee comes from a cooperative of 1200 members that produce around 75lbs of exportable green coffee per member.....in other words, extremely small scale! Hailing from Nyeri, one of the most famous coffee-producing counties in Kenya, this coffee represents that classic Kenya profile that put Kenya on the map as a top coffee producing country: juicy, sweet purple plum, ripe nectarine with wild blackberry acidity, lavender, nutmeg, and a hint of cardamom, all with a backdrop of caramel sweetness.
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Old 09-15-2023, 10:38 AM   #113
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New Kenya Nyeri Rumukia Double Washed Peaberry!

This coffee comes from a cooperative of 1200 members that produce around 75lbs of exportable green coffee per member.....in other words, extremely small scale! Hailing from Nyeri, one of the most famous coffee-producing counties in Kenya, this coffee represents that classic Kenya profile that put Kenya on the map as a top coffee producing country: juicy, sweet purple plum, ripe nectarine with wild blackberry acidity, lavender, nutmeg, and a hint of cardamom, all with a backdrop of caramel sweetness.
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Old 10-13-2023, 10:32 AM   #114
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New Sumatra Kayu Aro Nusantara Wet Hulled!

This coffee is traditionally processed (wet-hulled), but exquisitely outside the Sumatra wet-hulled norm. Excellent growing and processing practices create a symphony of balance and depth: thick caramel sweetness holds center stage, while persimmon, guava, honeydew, and lime zest provide support, and fairly intense spice notes of clove, nutmeg, even a hint of cardamom round things out, creating a super-balanced cup that will brew amazing drip or espresso.
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Old 10-13-2023, 10:33 AM   #115
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New Sumatra Kayu Aro Nusantara Wet Hulled!

This coffee is traditionally processed (wet-hulled), but exquisitely outside the Sumatra wet-hulled norm. Excellent growing and processing practices create a symphony of balance and depth: thick caramel sweetness holds center stage, while persimmon, guava, honeydew, and lime zest provide support, and fairly intense spice notes of clove, nutmeg, even a hint of cardamom round things out, creating a super-balanced cup that will brew amazing drip or espresso.
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Old 01-31-2024, 10:06 AM   #116
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If you're paying attention, you've seen a few of the latest Ethiopias we've carried come from the Daye Bensa Export team, and probably that these tend to be some of the best Ethiopias I get. This coffee is grown by smallholders at extreme altitude in the Ethiopia Highlands, then processed at the Rumudamo station, which was recently purchased by Daye Bensa, and operates under their supervision. Coffees from Rumudamo Station won 2nd and 3rd place in the 2020 Cup of Excellence. This lot was the best Daye Bensa import the importer cupped this year, and I'll just say it's very expensive, but shines with loads of dense, silky caramel sweetness; deep, fresh, juicy blackberry notes; notes reminiscent of Fruit Loops; and bright lime zestiness hovering in the background.
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Old 03-12-2024, 10:54 AM   #117
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This coffee is grown at dizzyingly high altitude (over 7k feet!); the higher the altitude, the slower the coffee grows, and the denser the beans, in general, allowing for more sweetness and acidity in the profile. This coffee is grown by small holders with less than one hectare each, not large farms. The coffee is washed, but exhibits fruit and floral notes rivalling many natural Ethiopias: floral notes are potent in the aroma, both grounds and brewed, and in the cup the florals are followed by super-clean melon, tropical fruit, dried pineapple, and sweet pomelo acidity.
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Old 04-01-2024, 01:33 PM   #118
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New Limited Release Costa Rica Solis & Cordero La Maquina Honey/Natural!

We carried this coffee from a former Coopedota employee in January, or thereabouts, and I feel like it got glossed over to some degree. Giving the previous Colombia Santa Monica 200hr a run for it's long-fermentation money, this coffee utilizes hand-picked, carefully sorted cherries, then anaerobically ferments them with yeast for a very long 96 hours. The result is unique and absolutely gorgeous, with buckets of candied orange peel, port wine/grape, tropical notes of dragon fruit, and pineapple-y IPA-like herbacius notes. Amazing for drip, entertaining as espresso!
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Old 04-30-2024, 10:58 AM   #119
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This coffee is from the newer Chelbesa washing station, which collects cherries from 760 small share holders, growing on tiny plots of land, and processes this coffee in the traditional Ethiopian manner. Most coffee from Ethiopia is organic by default, but this is one of the rare ones that's certified organic. In the cup, blackberry, mandarin, and cabernet notes take center stage, with clove spice and gentle florals, anchored by dark chocolate sweetness.
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Old 07-17-2024, 12:06 PM   #120
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New Brazil Castelo Eliezer Calvi Honey Catucai!

This coffee is from the Espirito Santo region of Brazil, like the other non-Limited Release Brazil we just wrapped up. It's grown by Eliezer Calvi on his minute, 10 hectare farm, where all labor is done by his family, plus one or two workers. Now in his 8th year producing specialty coffee, he only processes pulped naturals, removing the cherry pulp then drying on raised beds, and he only has two varieties of coffee: Catuai and Catucai. His singular focus one doing one thing well, plus the unique, high altitude, mountainous terrain of Espirito Santo, combine to create a coffee that's unlike standard fare from Brazil.

While it has the common-for-Brazil notes of 'chocolate and hazelnut', they are not dominant. Snickers bar creeps to the fore, with obvious cascara (coffee cherry tea) notes, dried pineapple and apricot, lime or lemon verbena, and herbal notes that morph between savory, like marjoram, and sweet, like fennel or juniper. It's constantly revealing something new in the cup, and will make for a cup of drip to sit and explore, or a layered, intriguing, complex espresso.
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Old 08-12-2024, 12:29 PM   #121
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New Burundi Ngozi Turihamwe Turashobora Raised Bed Washed!

This coffee comes from a producer I've carried many times before, Jeanine Niyonzima-Aroian, and her organization JNP Coffee. JNP was created to empower women in coffee production; JNP not only pays above market value for good beans, but commits to buying the whole crop, and carrying the total financial risk. This benefit enabled Turihamwe, a women-led collective, to build their own wet-mill in 2018. The wet-mill and quality team is 100% female, and the processing at this mill is a paragon of excellence.

Representing the classic flavors of Burundi, with chocolate, orange, and black tea, this coffee takes a turn toward elegance: notable citrus notes in the aroma are present in the cup, not in a tart or sour way, but more like sweet clementine, along with apricot, cantaloupe and other orange fruit, with orange blossom, pumpkin spice, and gentle ginger wrapped up in caramel sweetness.
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Old 09-10-2024, 12:07 PM   #122
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New Honduras Ezri Moises Herrera Caballero Extended Fermentation Natural!

This small family-owned farm is dedicated to improving processing and cup quality, while also providing permanent jobs to local families that pay above average for the area, planting 4000 trees yearly to improve the local environment, and donating money and resources to local schools.

This coffee is the Catuai varietal, processed using an extra long 72 hour fermentation in Grain-Pro bags, before being naturally dried over 20-25 days (double the norm in Ethiopia). In the cup, wild notes of strawberry, red grape, even fruity bubblegum notes, with pecan pie sweetness and butteriness, and sweet vanilla notes. This will work great with any brew method, especially as a wild espresso or fruity pourover.
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Old 11-22-2024, 05:59 PM   #123
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New Guatemala Finca El Pinal Geisha!

I rarely feature Geisha due to its extreme expense. Geisha is an Ethiopian varietal that was brought to Central America, and kind of lurked in the shadows for decades, unrecognized for its unusual and amazing characteristics. For the past 15 years or so, it's been one of the most sought after coffees, with some of the top Cup of Excellence coffees being Geisha, and many times breaking records for price per lb.

Finca El Pinal is a newer small, family-owned farm dedicated to growing unusual varietals, with impeccable growing and processing practices, that supports the Comité Pro-ciegos y Sordos de Guatemala (Pro-Blind and Deaf Commitee) in their community.

This coffee is a washed Geisha, and as such it's bright, dynamic, and clean. Praline sweetness is the anchor for loads of foresty and floral notes, with juicy apricot, sweet Sprite-like citrus, bergamot, light jasmine, and pine or cedar. This is an amazing example of this varietal, making for an extremely edgy espresso, and a stand-out as drip or pourover.
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