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Old 04-05-2023, 10:22 AM   #9751
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No one's asking for a perfect car. People who aren't brand new just want less plastic without the price increase. Or maybe better brakes. Or possibly LSDs and electronic dampers. All from the factory, with factory warranty. I'm only 38, but even I'm beginning to tire of "Oh, the aftermarket can fix it." Just get it right the first time without making everything super subjective on people's expectations and well-wishes.

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Old 04-05-2023, 10:29 AM   #9752
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There is nothing to fix at this price point. This car is selling very well.
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Old 04-05-2023, 11:26 AM   #9753
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I guess they should've never "fixed" the 2002 WRX then. Yet, here we are.

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Old 04-05-2023, 11:32 AM   #9754
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Originally Posted by chanomatik View Post
I guess they should've never "fixed" the 2002 WRX then. Yet, here we are.

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You can spin it anyway you want but the proof is in the pudding.
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Old 04-05-2023, 11:37 AM   #9755
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Originally Posted by jimbobjohnbrown View Post
Why the vitriol, the dude was simply correcting your "typo". He didn't make a snide comment, just a direct correction.

Why does (almost) everyone on this forum suck so bad?!?

The reputation NASIOC has is well earned.

Oh, and congrats on the GRC. Definitely a cool car.
you make of it what you will.

the same types of people exist in FB groups, or Reddit (probably worse on Reddit), just as there is no perfect car for everyone, there is no perfect place for everyone where everyone gets along. it doesn't, can't and won't exist.

maybe with a lot of active moderators banning trolls, and dishing points, or whatever, then you can live in some like minded hive of an echo chamber, but that's not a place that would be worth going back to for long.

Originally Posted by JustyWRC View Post
The power drops off well before then and you just "have" to shift. You wanna go faster? You're shifting "long" before 6100. The course that was laid out for us we never were able to get higher than 3rd. I've felt that "need" to shift even away from the track. I didn't hit redline on any of my "fast" cars unless I was drag racing. This isn't a drag race car.

Cars it's fair to compare to from your list:

Cars that are a different category from your list:
2005 STi
2007 STi
Focus RS
Mazdaspeed 3
EVO IX MR(especially the MR)
Golf R

Oh, wait. That's ALL of them. Now, had this been an STI and you didn't like trying to compare to those, I would have said nothing. This is just off base.

And driving it on a track.......wasn't a "race day". We weren't going lap after lap and the course that was laid out.....if you were doing it right......didn't require much braking. Down shifting did what was needed.


the problem is that Subaru killed the STI, so everyone expects the WRX to fill the shoes that the STI abandoned. simple as that. the WRX is, as ever, just a WRX, it is not a STI, and it will not magically start being a STI because there is no more sporty model above it.

as to the comments about the engine telling you to shift before redline, lots of people think driving fast is focusing on banging the gears in under .5 seconds and wringing the engine out to redline on every shift.

the reality is, if you are on a track and you aren't competing against someone, the point is to get better at driving. getting better at driving means being consistent, finding the apex, braking as late as possible, and using the throttle to help turn the corner. any bozo with a right foot can accelerate on a straight, but it takes skill and finesse to take a corner in the shortest time possible, and that is where you are going to gain the most advantage on a racetrack.

but hey, people are going to drive how they want, and if they want to stay in gear until they hit redline every shift, whatever, and if they want to bang through the gears so fast that they prematurely wear the synchros, and the clutch absorbs a lot of strain.

I'd rather chew tires and brake pads than engines and transmissions, but it's their car, so whatever.
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Old 04-05-2023, 12:00 PM   #9756
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Originally Posted by samagon View Post
you make of it what you will.

the same types of people exist in FB groups, or Reddit (probably worse on Reddit), just as there is no perfect car for everyone, there is no perfect place for everyone where everyone gets along. it doesn't, can't and won't exist.

maybe with a lot of active moderators banning trolls, and dishing points, or whatever, then you can live in some like minded hive of an echo chamber, but that's not a place that would be worth going back to for long.
I'm not talking about everybody agreeing with each other, just people being nicer goes a long way. Part in parcel it's the platform itself. Seems like the WRX community as a whole is full of a bunch of knuckleheads. Been part of other enthusiast car communities, and never have I experienced such trash.

Let's be honest, forums are pretty much outdated anyways, especially this one. I wonder when's the last time they updated the UI..... I'm guessing it's been about 15 years.
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Old 04-05-2023, 12:08 PM   #9757
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Originally Posted by Straight6 View Post
There is no perfect car. There is little to complain about given the price point. Car makers are no longer investing in ICE vehicles. We are very fortunate that there is a performance sedan left on the market that offers a 6 speed manual and is very attainable with a ton of aftermarket support.

In a few years, we won't have any cars with manual transmissions and gasoline engines, let alone something that is somewhat fun, with tons of aftermarket support, and most importantly, AFFORDABLE.

If there was more competition, we would have better versions of these cars straight from the factory. Mitsubishi leaving the market made Subaru lazy and complacent. Every time a manual transmission optioned car is discontinued, the competition does even less to innovate and update.

And let's be honest, it's government regulations that are strangling ICE vehicles. It's not the beginning of the end anymore, we're in the middle of the end, soon coming up on the end of the end.
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Old 04-05-2023, 12:27 PM   #9758
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Originally Posted by Straight6 View Post
You can spin it anyway you want but the proof is in the pudding.
We'll see how it pans out after a couple of years and the early adopters have had their fill. Customer retention is also important and I'm not seeing that being the case with the VB nearly as much as it was with previous generations. Once GR Corolla numbers increase and anything else with AWD and a manual pops up in attainable numbers, the VB numbers will decline.

It's a good car. Definitely room for improvement by most people's observations. But if some see no problems with it, that's totally fine too. Blind people have rights as well.

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Old 04-05-2023, 12:37 PM   #9759
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Blind ? What the heck are you talking about. Do you have any links supporting your customer retention claims ? This car looks great and a ton of VA owners are upgrading.
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Old 04-05-2023, 12:43 PM   #9760
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Do YOU have links?

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Old 04-05-2023, 12:46 PM   #9761
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Originally Posted by chanomatik View Post
Do YOU have links?

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I posted one on the previous page. The proof is in the pudding! Cheers.
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Old 04-05-2023, 12:58 PM   #9762
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Wrong link. That one was already addressed, and you're moving the goal posts. Show me where tons of VA owners are upgrading to the VB. I'll take a thread on NASIOC and/or links to YouTubers or even journalists.

Most of the ones I've seen are new to the WRX. As a Subaru Ambassador I'm expected to discuss these things with others at dealerships, car shows, in my community, etc, which I do. I do not hear anyone talking about the VB with excitement. The best things I hear are neutral responses, and mostly from ones who've never owned a WRX before. They're coming from Euro vehicles, and the VB has enough interior technology upgrades to help new owners make that transition.

I know more people who swallowed up the remaining VAs or held on to their aging STIs. Or just moved on from Subaru entirely. Some have given the BRZ a try as well.

You see my comments as negative, I'm sure. I'm just stating observations relative to previous models over my nearly 20 years of associating with performance Subaru vehicles. The feedback is definitely more negative this time around, but also the entire automotive game has changed. Apples aren't being compared to new apples, but rather new oranges or old apples.

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Old 04-05-2023, 01:17 PM   #9763
rallly 4
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In a few years, we won't have any cars with manual transmissions and gasoline engines, let alone something that is somewhat fun, with tons of aftermarket support, and most importantly, AFFORDABLE.

You are such a gullible simple person. A few years manuals will be gone? You actually believe the EVs will completely take over? Absolutely hysterical. How can people be brainwashed so easy
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Old 04-05-2023, 01:18 PM   #9764
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Originally Posted by chanomatik View Post
Wrong link. That one was already addressed, and you're moving the goal posts. Show me where tons of VA owners are upgrading to the VB. I'll take a thread on NASIOC and/or links to YouTubers or even journalists.

Most of the ones I've seen are new to the WRX. As a Subaru Ambassador I'm expected to discuss these things with others at dealerships, car shows, in my community, etc, which I do. I do not hear anyone talking about the VB with excitement. The best things I hear are neutral responses, and mostly from ones who've never owned a WRX before. They're coming from Euro vehicles, and the VB has enough interior technology upgrades to help new owners make that transition.

I know more people who swallowed up the remaining VAs or held on to their aging STIs. Or just moved on from Subaru entirely. Some have given the BRZ a try as well.

You see my comments as negative, I'm sure. I'm just stating observations relative to previous models over my nearly 20 years of associating with performance Subaru vehicles. The feedback is definitely more negative this time around, but also the entire automotive game has changed. Apples aren't being compared to new apples, but rather new oranges or old apples.

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Yup you’re right on the money. Straight6 has never owned a Subaru product before from what I understand, 100% never a older Wrx or sti, so he’s in the category you described
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Old 04-05-2023, 01:26 PM   #9765
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Originally Posted by rallly 4 View Post
Originally Posted by jimbobjohnbrown View Post

In a few years, we won't have any cars with manual transmissions and gasoline engines, let alone something that is somewhat fun, with tons of aftermarket support, and most importantly, AFFORDABLE.

You are such a gullible simple person. A few years manuals will be gone? You actually believe the EVs will completely take over? Absolutely hysterical. How can people be brainwashed so easy
Manuals have been on their way out in favor of ICE automatics long before EVs entered the conversation. There are less than 30 cars (not counting SUVs) in the whole market place, from Econo car to sports car, still available with a manual. Of those remaining cars, several are on their last call (like Mustang, Challenger, Camaro...)
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Old 04-05-2023, 01:36 PM   #9766
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Originally Posted by chanomatik View Post
No one's asking for a perfect car. People who aren't brand new just want less plastic without the price increase. Or maybe better brakes. Or possibly LSDs and electronic dampers. All from the factory, with factory warranty. I'm only 38, but even I'm beginning to tire of "Oh, the aftermarket can fix it." Just get it right the first time without making everything super subjective on people's expectations and well-wishes.

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****, All they had to do was offer a Bigger brake kit as an option package. Every single reviewer/buyer (Me), wishes they had it available but nooooo plastic everything. "Plastic is the way" *Que Mandalore music*
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Old 04-05-2023, 01:37 PM   #9767
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Originally Posted by chanomatik View Post
We'll see how it pans out after a couple of years and the early adopters have had their fill. Customer retention is also important and I'm not seeing that being the case with the VB nearly as much as it was with previous generations. Once GR Corolla numbers increase and anything else with AWD and a manual pops up in attainable numbers, the VB numbers will decline.

It's a good car. Definitely room for improvement by most people's observations. But if some see no problems with it, that's totally fine too. Blind people have rights as well.

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I think the WRX leaves a lot of room for improvement in the current model to keep it interesting.

with the GR Corolla, or Golf R, Civic Type R, and some of the others in the space, there's not a lot of headroom to create buzz.

maybe the GRC will be offered with a new color, or the exclusive hood from the Circuit/Morizo will be put on the core? but mechanically, it's probably just about where it'll be for the duration of this product run.

the WRX, maybe in 2024 MY they find another few lbs of boost, or add the Brembo brake kit, or the DCCD 6 speed finds its way in the car. there's tons of ways that Subaru can keep interest in the car high enough to maintain relevance without a heck of a lot of overhead.
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Old 04-05-2023, 01:53 PM   #9768
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Originally Posted by rallly 4 View Post

You are such a gullible simple person. A few years manuals will be gone? You actually believe the EVs will completely take over? Absolutely hysterical. How can people be brainwashed so easy
P!ss off. I sincerely mean that. Thanks again for proving my point about how shiitty people are on here. Yes, name call, good job terrific!

Fyi, I never said we were gonna be fully ev specifically, dumba$$. You do realize there government mandates in place that are setting goals to be fully emissions free by 2035. How do you think we're going to do that?.... Go ahead, I'll wait for you to come up with an answer. It's no secret that car companies are following suit.
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Old 04-05-2023, 01:59 PM   #9769
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Originally Posted by SoDealer View Post
Manuals have been on their way out in favor of ICE automatics long before EVs entered the conversation. There are less than 30 cars (not counting SUVs) in the whole market place, from Econo car to sports car, still available with a manual. Of those remaining cars, several are on their last call (like Mustang, Challenger, Camaro...)
When they can get better mileage out of an automatic over a stick shift, they will stop making said stick shifts. That's how it's been for the Crosstrek and Impreza. The government sets very strict mandates for emissions, every single MPG counts! Why do you think these new WRXs have 0W20 oil instead of 5W30? Yes, manuals have been on their way out for quite some time, which is besides the point overall when it comes to ICEs.
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Old 04-05-2023, 02:16 PM   #9770
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Originally Posted by SoDealer View Post
Manuals have been on their way out in favor of ICE automatics long before EVs entered the conversation. There are less than 30 cars (not counting SUVs) in the whole market place, from Econo car to sports car, still available with a manual. Of those remaining cars, several are on their last call (like Mustang, Challenger, Camaro...)
Don't forget the GTI/R and likely GLI to follow. The GTI and R are officially dead after the MK8.5 facelift.
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Old 04-05-2023, 02:18 PM   #9771
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Originally Posted by Russ_G93 View Post
****, All they had to do was offer a Bigger brake kit as an option package. Every single reviewer/buyer (Me), wishes they had it available but nooooo plastic everything. "Plastic is the way" *Que Mandalore music*
Ascent brakes and adaptive dampers from the GT. Call it Performance pack. I think we will see something like that with the facelift.
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Old 04-05-2023, 02:23 PM   #9772
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Originally Posted by jimbobjohnbrown View Post
When they can get better mileage out of an automatic over a stick shift, they will stop making said stick shifts. That's how it's been for the Crosstrek and Impreza. The government sets very strict mandates for emissions, every single MPG counts! Why do you think these new WRXs have 0W20 oil instead of 5W30? Yes, manuals have been on their way out for quite some time, which is besides the point overall when it comes to ICEs.
Manuals were:
More Fuel efficient

They aren't faster or more fuel efficient anymore, and the Americans (and now other markets) decided it wasn't worth sacrificing the effortlessness of automatics just to shave a few bucks. This changeover really took hold in the 2000's and has shifted (pardon the pun) into overdrive during the last few 2 decades. Emissions and EVs are a last straw headwind for manual transmissions.
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Old 04-05-2023, 02:31 PM   #9773
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Originally Posted by SoDealer View Post
Manuals were:



More Fuel efficient

They aren't faster or more fuel efficient anymore, and the Americans (and now other markets) decided it wasn't worth sacrificing the effortlessness of automatics just to shave a few bucks. This changeover really took hold in the 2000's and has shifted (pardon the pun) into overdrive during the last few 2 decades. Emissions and EVs are a last straw headwind for manual transmissions.

When automatics became as fuel efficient or better, it was the beginning of the end for manual transmissions. And now you actually have to pay a premium to get a manual. For example, in order to get the Integra with a stick you have to get the optional performance package, or else you're stuck with the CVT. And look at what they did with the Crosstrek. If you wanted a manual you had to get the smaller engine and you couldn't get it in a limited, or even a premium with a sunroof. Of course, now the 2024 doesn't even have a manual transmission option, so there's that. So either you are being punished, or you are paying more. Quite the opposite of what used to take place.
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Old 04-05-2023, 02:46 PM   #9774
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Manual transmissions have been on the way out since the 80's, manual trans equipped vehicles offered & bought started to free-fall in the mid-90's.

Now only 1-2% of cars being purchased have manuals.
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Old 04-05-2023, 03:38 PM   #9775
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I just test drove a VB WRX in stop and go traffic and would honestly rather have an SUV with an auto than deal with the tractor trailer transmission that is used in that car. It's the same clunky piece of **** that's in the VA. I am not sure where everyone is getting this whole "the VB drives so much better!" crap. It feels just like a VA, only without the midrange peak. Same jumpy throttle, same garbage transmission, and same clutch feel. For 7k more than I paid two years ago (both Premiums.)

I would never buy a single vehicle in the current Subaru lineup. Even if they made an EV STi, I wouldn't buy that. I don't need a $40,000 car to drive back and forth to work. People are getting ridiculous with their daily drivers and car payments. I honestly would sell my car and just taking a taxi or uber everywhere rather than make payments on a $40,000 car that is used mainly to get to work. **** that.
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