06 LL Bean help 2.5 auto non turbo.
My car was sitting in my garage for a little over a year with the front end on jack stands. The garage flooded a few times, just about an inch or so, and the moisture level was high over the summer. When I finally got the car back together and was backing it out, it was stuck. As the E brake was on the whole time I assumed it was stuck, so I gave it a little gas. It’s make a clank sound and broke free.
Now when I drive there is a clanking and grinding when I accelerate. It’s all good when I am coasting. I am afraid that the reason it was stuck and the clanking noise were actually diff gears being rusted stuck. The sound it’s making now seems snore center front than anything.
Is this possible? Should I be looking no at something else?
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Trans and diff gears are in a semi sealed case covered in lube. Highly doubt there is any rust inside either of them.
Most likely the moisture caused the inside of the rotors to rust, seizing the parking brake shoes. You may have knocked something loose or broken the shoe retainers. You havent filled out your profile so there is no way to know if you live in rust belt - that would compound things. Remove the rear wheels - inspect the service brake pads/calipers/mounts and remove. With the park brake off remove the rear rotors and look and see what might be loose/broken. There are lots of springs and other parts and bits - download a copy of the FSM for your car so you can identify what's not right. Brake hardware kits are cheap. Hopefully it's not a rust bucket and broke the backing plate...