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Old 04-21-2009, 07:48 PM   #1
Scooby Guru
Member Sales Rating: (11)
Member#: 4562
Join Date: Feb 2001
Chapter/Region: NWIC
Location: Auburn, WA
2014 Electric Datsun
2005 Adventure van

Default MWSOC Private Classifieds Rules: Read before posting. Effective 4-22-2009

These rules are here to help protect both buyers and sellers.

-FS forum is for buying/selling/trading only. Any OT posts will be deleted and points will be issued.

- All regional FS/FT/WTB posts must now go in the MWSOC Private Classifieds. All existing threads will be moved and any new ones must be in this forum. Such threads posted in the general MWSOC will be moved or deleted at moderator discretion.

- Each member may have only ONE FS/FT/WTB thread open at any given time. This is to help reduce the clutter in our very busy forum. Please combine all your items and requests into a single thread, or use the General Private Classifieds for additional items. Multiple threads will be either closed or moved at the discretion of the moderators. You must be a MWSOC member meaning that you actively post in the MWSOC, you can't just come in here and post up a FS thread, it's a courtesy for active MWSOC members.

- The subject line of such threads must be fully descriptive. The proper format would be "FS:", "FT:", "WTB:" etc. followed by the items in question and preferably including a location (Chicago, SEMI etc...). This will help you get responses to your post as well as help people avoid wasting time reading threads they have no interest in. Improperly titled threads are subject to editing or locking/deletion by the moderators.

- Upon sale of parts an indicator of "sold" (preferably in a different color from the main text, IE: red) must be placed next to the description within a reasonable time frame.

- Since crossposting of any kind is against the NASIOC rules, technically it is not permitted to post the same FS items in both the general classifieds and the regional forums. However as a courtesy to those members who have been contributing to the forums on a regular basis, we do allow such posts on occasion. It is entirely up to the moderators as to whether FS crossposts are allowed to remain here or if they get locked, deleted or moved. Please do not make such posts in MWSOC if you have just signed up or have not been active in this forum, if you do so you can expect your post to be removed.

- ONE bump per day except to add information or to respond to other posts.

- Vendor accounts may NOT post items for sale in this forum (feel free to purchase!).

-All Car For sales MUST have the VIN # available upon request by a moderator

- All engine/transmission/major body parts for sale will require the VIN to be available to a moderator upon request from the vehicle the parts were removed from. Failure to provide a VIN for these parts will result in the thread being locked. Exceptions will be granted on a case by case basis for parts being sold off that were purchased prior to rules being placed in effect (4-22-2009) example being WRX with an STI transmission that is being parted out.

-Stock Catalysts for sale will require the VIN # be made available to moderators upon request, thread will be locked if VIN is not provided.

- Any questions regarding the above can be directed to myself or the other MWSOC moderators.

Thank you for reviewing our rules, and best of luck with your sales.
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Last edited by Hondaslayer; 05-01-2009 at 07:37 PM.
Hondaslayer is offline  
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